my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression





Thursday, Nov. 28, 2002 - 9:55 A.M.
I'm at my mother's right now. And I'm the only one here. My mom and her brother from Colorado have gone down to Houston to visit her two other brothers. She has taken my older brother with her. My twin brother and his wife are in Tennessee, as that is where they live and he being in the military was currnetly unavailable to leave for this particular holiday. He supposed to come down for Christmas. here's hoping they don't stay with me. :) My youngest brother is going to his inlaws for thanksgiving. Its supposed to be a huge gathering of people Lots and lots of people. For Easter they had 40 people. Its supposed to be a bigger gathering this year. I'm supposed to go with them, but I don't think I am going. I'm supposed to go to dinner over at Derek's this evening, or some time today. I don't exactly know when. I'm thinking though that I am not going to pedal my ass back to my apartment though until I have to. I hate this ride. 11 miles is an awful long way to pedal to take care of a dog. Thank goodness she has a computer or I would most assuredly go stir crazy. No really I would. I don't have any books here to read either. Not that I have been reading all that much of late. But still,..... not the point. If I wanted read, I couldn't. Well I suppose I could, there's the newspaper and she has some books, but its just not the same at all, now is it.

I'm supposed to spend part of the day with Wade today too. That's looking a bit iffy though. Like I said, i am not looking forward to the pedal back home, especially since I have to come back here tonight to feed the dog. See I wouldn't worry so much about the dog were she not old and diabetic. Yes I said diabetic. SHe has to have insulin shots. Otherwise I would just fill her up three or four bowls of dog food, leave the door cracked so she could go out and do her thing and not think twice about it. As it is, I didn't come out her last night after the lasagna dinner.

My lasagna dinner went alright. Not stupendous by any stretch of the imagination, but alright. Everyone got along almost famously. Jennifer from Austin came by which was nice. I haven't seen her in ages it seems like. Derek and Leroy Paige and Wade were there too. Christan came by for a little bit but didn't stay for the lasagna since I was running late. Alas, such is life. But it turned out alright considering everyone isn't amicable towards everyone. Right. That's all you can hope for. Jessica and Michael Z didn't come. Which I guess is fine. It was last minute and everything and well truth be told how many lasagnas can people be expected to eat before they grow tired of it.

I'm not quite sure how well Jennifer was impressed by my friends. Of course she pretty much knew there story as I have to tell someone about the event in my life and so she gets to hear all about them and the goings on that occur in between visits. Which reminds me, Jennifer Gibbs was there too. Jennifer from Austin kinda embarassed herself when she asked about the person who doesn't quit talking. It was a wonderfully hilarious moment in which I couldn't contain my laughter. Fortunately Jennifer G. knows that we think she talks too much sometimes. So it wasn't a terrible faux pas. per se.

Paige is going to design me a new tempalte for my diaryland. It's going to be Calvin & Hobbes. I can't wait. I'm a big fan you know. It's going to be grand. You'll want her to design yours too. Just wait. She redesigned Wade's and I think it looks terrific. just you wait and see, I'll see the hue of your envy through my computer screen. It's true.

The thing about my mother's computer is that she so sledom uses it that all the software needs to be upgraded to the latest versions every time I am out here.

I really don't have much else to say. I'm not really looking forward to going to work tomorrow. If you can all do me a favor and not go shopping ath te malls for at least three days I would be so appreciative. No really. Honest. Wait three whole days. And I think the whole world would be appreciative. Anyway, if I get terribly bored, which as the way things are looking right now, then I will update again. :)

neurosis ~ catharsis