my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




go read japonika!

2001-02-18 - 08:41:33
Ihave to go to work in like an hour. Can you hear the enthusiasm and joy just drippipng from my keyboard. oh boy oh boy oh boy, I get to deal with the shopping public. Grganted we have af ew customers who are really cool. People who look to me for a great read. And as a reader, I have many a suggestion. It annoys me when people work at a bookstore and don't read. That's like bald people becoming hairdressers, well that's not very accurate. that's like well, all right people send me analogies

I have to tell you about this diaryland. THat I have discovered. I did discover it you know. I almost claimed it for american, but having the american flag sticking in my computer screen would have been a bit much, so instead I am insisting that you go and read this beautifully written wonderfully illuminating, incredible diaryland:japonika the most beautiful words. its enough to pause my Dr Pepper half way to my lips as I say again and again, oh my god this is good. really. Its beyond my words. YOU MUST GO....not this second.

But since I don't have anything else to add at the moment, then this would be the opportune time. Read, soak it in, and be amazed. Then come back and read my archives, cuz well you can never read too much, right, unless you are applying at a bookstore and you don't like to read. Course I think its funny that almost every application we get in the section that say why do you want to work here and they all say. I love to read. HA

Talk to you later

Sunday Feb 18 8:47 a.m. carpe diem (same page for the weekend on the page a day latin for illiterati calendar) SEIZE THE DAY!

Today is the day that one might celebrate St Bernadette, a nineteenth century French patroness of shepherd.

In my forgotten English page a day calendar the forgotten words are shepherd book ,which was a book published at irregular intervals extending over several years containing distinctive marks, earmarks, and smit[markings witha soft, red stone] of the stocks of heaf-going sheep of the farms in the fell, or mountain districts of Cumberland, Westmoreland and northern Lancashire. With the earmarks and smits together, the marks of upwards of six hundred farms or estates are given herin....Each stock is illustrated by a diagram od a sheep, mearly a thousand in all.

Tomorrow's word. hungerslain.

neurosis ~ catharsis