my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




those damned fates have done it again

2001-03-02 - 12:04:46
Damn it to hell, to hell in a hand basket even. I just had the most profound diaryland entry in my entire life and with the touch of a freakin button, its gone. gone I say, gone like yesterdays dr pepper cans. curses but the fates have it in for me. jsut cuz they couldn't kill me off with that silly flu of theirs. I will show them. tomorrow I will have to go and kick their asses. come on fates, lets see what you got.....okay that's just the anger in me speaking. Ididn't really mean it. I can't take on you fates all by myself. it way too much of atask. so don't think you can like go and rain on me or something. cuz while that would be just darned cute, I would be oh so willing to throw down teh gauntlet and put this little corporeal existence to the test and kick your ethereal butts. I don't care if your suppose to be women. you rain on me one more day and I will swim up there swinging my paddle. and i'll not be encountering in up the creek scenarios either cuz I'll bring a spare, on the off chance I meet another disenchanted and soggy fate hater.

my day in a nut shell.

Friends, rerun,. Cheddars, best damned cheese fries on the planet. SAM'S wholesale warehouse, spent $181 on the necessities of life, peanut butter, JIF whate else, shappoo, for that well manage mane of hair, matchbox 20 cd, a microwave so I can reheat efficiently, toothbrushes, although with this david letterman gap who notices white teeth and other sundries. then I came home to play on the ol laptop which has been rejuvenated. apparently my modem had decided that february 21 was its last day of operation cuz well that what it was manufactured to do. I found that out to day and found teh patch on the website. I thought I'd done something stupid. nope just the manufacturer, this time.

that's it. sorry nothing profoud and you can thank who? that's right the fates. okay and me a little. maybe a lot since I pushed the stupid esc button. so maybe the fates are innocent of this one thing. but somewhere somehow, I know they did something. I gotta go. I think I am pushing it with them. night anbd take care of you readers


neurosis ~ catharsis