my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




what a snivelling whining pathetic little......oh i mean, this is a really good entry, you should read it and tell me all about it

2001-03-05 - 11:43:09
you know, yeserday was a most beautiful day. Most beautiful. Course I missed it cuz, well, I had to work all day and by the time I got off work, the sun had quickly disappeared beyond the horizon, the sky had darkened leaving nothing of the wondrous blue, the warmth had seeped back into the ground, and a coolness had filled the void. Such was yesterday, such is today, and I am about to go to work again. Such is my life. Not that I am complaining, okay I am complaining a bit, only because, well tomorrow I am off. And guess what friends and neighbors, its supposed to be wonderfully cloudy and how could I possibly complain about that? how? how? how!

But I will keep a hopeful outlook, it will be a nice day today. Those few customers who cross my threshold will spend lots of money, all of them buying a preferred readers card and telling me what a wonderful person I am. Okay so i am living in a fantasy world. Its my life, leave me be!

Actually yesterday wasn't a complete loss. I did win a game of This is Jeopardy. course I was forced to play, against my will, so i really had no choice but to stick it to them! I only had enough to stick it to them for one game though, as the second game, which I was still forced to play, by the way, i didn't fair too well. But I made it interesting by being devious and diabolical. (hangs head) I'm ashamed now. HAHAHAHA

have you ever turned your keyboard over and shook it. Talk about a frightening, frightening experience. What pray tell could thrive in there now. its scaring me. ha. D'you remember that scene in Breakfast Club when what's her name (I can't remember her name) is shaking her head over the piece of paper and playing with all the dandruff that is falling out of her hair? Well that's what my keyboard looked like, except other things were falling out too, little creepy crawly corpses, morsels of food, $15 in change, and the kitchen sink. it was frightening. Okay not that frightening. But remind me to get a belt for the vacuum cleaner cuz I'm afraid to put my feet on the floor now.

i really don't have anything insightful or uplifting today. (he says today as if its not the norm for me not to be insightful and uplifting) But I figured I ought to put some sort of entry in today.

let me see, what can I tell you about.....I'm thinking, I'm thinking. I told you about the new nephew. i told you about the million dollars I won from...oh wait that wasn't me. I told you about shaking out the keyboard....hmmm, I guess I covered everything for the last day and a half. is this a vicarious life or what. I'm going to go live vicariously through someone else right now. Why don't you as well. It would behoove you to do so, before I bog you down with the reality of my life and my monotonous existence and to see how many big words i can put into this sentence.

you know I have no idea how many people actually read this thing. I know that there are a few, we'll call them "loyal reader", but I would appreciate a little hello from any of you who feel so kind. just a little note to let me know you were here, a short bonjour, hola, guten tag, aloha, yo what is up, (you can't see me but right now, I'm signing hello . Is this too much to ask. Granted this is supposed to be a diary, a personal release and I often try not to drag the reader into my mind when I am scribbling but this one time I am going to say it as plainly as I possibly can to anyone who made it down this far and have been able to fight off the compulsion to just do it. SIGN MY GUEST BOOK See I held off and didn't say DAMN IT, cuz well I have some decorem left. PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE Way to go, you just blew that out of the water.

Postscript. those of you who have previously signed my guestbook, are exempt from all the above pleading and wallowing in self pity, sorry you had to see it. So don't sign my guestbook if you don't feel like it.....sigh


talk to you all later.


neurosis ~ catharsis