my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Blueeeeeeeeeeeeee, sounds just like her, don't I

2001-03-08 - 17:39:15
Today was test day. it was a miserable angst filled 3 hours of exams and cramming for exams that brought about a hive or two i am sure. Philosophy, i should have just flung myself on my sword. And unexamine life is not worth living they say, i say they, because i forgot exactly who said that. And then I think to myself. this is why we have tests. All because of him. Thanks to him, my life was examined twice today. And to miserable results i am certain. All these names, ontological beliefs, epistomological beliefs, metaphysical beliefs, morals ethics aesthetics, all rolled up into a jumble of blech. Someone should have just left me a little hemloch so that I could end it with honor. Alas, alach, such was not the case.

Personality. I did somewhat better on that test. Not amazingly better but there's a chance I might have gotten a B on that test. I'm holding out for a B. Bravery, brilliance, butterfinger, biphilous characteristics....exactly what i thought, what the hell is that.

So all in all its been one of those drab grey cloudy days in which I had totake tests too. Yippee Yi Yay.

And if that isn't the top of it then what is. Well lets see. Instead of getting to stay home and exists in a post examination funk i have to go to a bookfair and sell a book to a bunch of country yokels at Sammy's barbeque in downtown fort worth. The book is National geographics Caves or something like that and it sort of goes along with an IMAX movie. Anyway have to go and sell it to these people. Lucky if we sell 20 copies, but that's like $800 bucks and it'll be easy work. so I won't complain too much. Plus it gives me a short day on saturday which is good.

Then I have to open in the morning. Sometimes I just want to sleep late. Is that so bad. is it? Sleeping late. But then I hate closing so if i sleep late then i would have to close and well blech.

I was going to take a nap, but carolyn called and we're going to do lunch and I'm about as hyped as a sloth on downers. Exciting huh.

Well ireckon I ought to post this baby before the rest of my mundane existence promotes under hopelessness in me. I'm feeling blue.

What I need is something diabolical to lift my spirits. That would be swell wouldn't it.

I'll be on the lookout.

talk at you later.


neurosis ~ catharsis