my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Macaroni and a movie

2001-03-11 - 10:27:57
Saw Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon last night. The picture was beautiful, the filming was incredible the story terribly romantic. tragically so, you might even say, and there was lots of martial arts too. And the dialogue was very poetic. Just to tell you how very cultured I am, this was the very first movie I have ever seen that came with subtitles. Reading a movie seemed to lack something, I thought. But I was mistaken. (you thought I was going to say wrong, didn't you? Ahh ye have so little faith. tsk tsk tsk) Anyway it was a very nice movie and there were so many cool previews before hand. Of course I want to see Pearl Harbor, Planet of the Apes looks awesome and there was another one that looked intriguing, not so much so that I remember the name of it, but intriguing all the same. Of course there was teh required stupid preview that makes you wonder why did anyone want to make that movie?

Jennifer, my jennifer from austin, Jennifer is in town this week for spring break. we had our "ritual" of Macaroni and a movie last night. Macaroni Grill, in case you are not aware of it, is by far a much better italian restaurant that Olive Garden. Really, the atmosphere, the food, and since I hardly ever go there unless I am with Jennifer, well the company is exquisite. grin We get to release about everything and everyone since the last time we saw each other, her about her latest enamorado, she's quite the siren, I'm telling you, she can walk into a room and bam! You can see them turn their heads and catch a second glance. As I may have some similar appearance to David Letterman, something which really shouldn't be repeated beyond this page from anyone I know who reads this, she looks very much like, okay now the name has slipped my mind, she's married to the magician, the model who's usally on about a billion magazine covers a month, hold on let me go refresh my memory, oh yeah...

Claudia Schiffer

So needless to say,straightens his cowboy had, takes teh piece of straw out of his mouth, hikes up his drawers and wipes the dust of his cowboy boots, looks you straight in the eye and says "she's perty." I'll grant you she isn't as tall as Claudia, but since I've never had the opportunity to meet Claudia in person, i would much rather have my Jennifer in concentrated form. Anyway, where was I. She tells me all about her latest love or likes or I can't believe the people I date sometimes. And I tell her about my continued state of enamour with Mel and this time she got to hear about the misadventures of the wacky pack me and believe me when I say there have been misadventures and my whole 5th column activities. You remember the ones, like my attempt to be an hmember of the wacky packme, (she found it hilarious, by the way) [sidenote, I just went to look and there is a that is devoted to a Canadian punkrock group. that should tell you something]

Anyway, aside from the misadventures and so forth we talked about personality, (since I am taking a class in personality, (no not because I need one)(don't think I didn't hear you think that)) which led to my double vortex theory of the wacky pack and why its on the verge of collapse (it is you know, unless some people wise up to reality) Anyway needless to say the dinner conversation was stimulating. Very seldom do I talk more than the other perosn, in any situation, but I guess since I am talking about me, I could just go on and on. Kidding, I'm kidding. We just like to talk and talk. Then of course there are the crayons that are at the table, youk now to write on the paper tablecloth. If they aren't at the table we have to ask for them, as we did last night. And this time we had all the prerequisite colors to actually create, but instead we just wrote things about each other. I'm a "rotten boy" and she's a "big baby" Then we proceeded to draw arrows at each other until ourside of the table was virtually covered with crayon. And I love it that they were all edible colors, like macaroni and cheese, mirtilla, (blue berry)and frsh basil. I absconded with the blueberry and fresh basil. don't ask me why. Usually I draw a rose on the tablecloth but I didn't this time. I have this affinity for roses, I don't know. It is the most romantic flower. I don't care what anybody else says.

Anyway, this entry seems to be losing its integration and is wallowing to and fro to too many spots at once, so I am going to end it. I think.

Today, Jenni and I and whoever else can be persuaded to join us, we are supposed having a picnic. I know what you're thinking, a picnic in the rain, but you'll get wet. Truthfully its not so much the picnic but the playing at the park that we intend to do. You know Chisholm park has this really cool rocket and you c an climb all the way to the top, oh the memories that come flooding back. Course I'll be lucky to fit in there, but hey that's half the fun. Course any sign of lightening and we're out of there. I mean the rocket itself is all metal, talk about a lightening rod. Anyway. this is the final hurrah before she is off to her backstreet boy extravaganza. I know what you're thinking, backstreet boy extravaganza, can such a think exist.....well apparently yes. She and her friend, Michelle are venturing to California (pronounced cal ee forn eye ay) to partake of several, that would be 5, bsb concerts. They're modern day groupies! They went to Canada last year for a concert. CANADA! So anyway we have the picnic to do and probably some other hanging out to do Then I'll be back with more in the exciting world of Andrew D.(damn it) Hobbs. Is that bated breath I hear?

neurosis ~ catharsis