my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the epitome of blah

2001-03-18 - 10:05:58
Not very eventful, this day. Quite the contrary it was fairly eventless. Except for my brother visiting me and the rest of his family today was pretty much a bust. I didn't do much at work. it was terribly slow. And then i went home early cuz everything was done and it was just the three of us standing around and well there really was no reason for me to stay so i didn't. So I came home and cleaned the apartment a little, did a little throwing away of sutff. I gave my brother my other scanner and had to find the disk for it so he could install the software and everything and by the time I found it i had thrown away like three trash bags full of crap. so I guess that was good. I finally got a belt for the vacuum cleaner and yes it is true, my carpet is green a deep forest green, now.

We went out and had chinese food for dinner. it was okay. Not great, but pretty good. I've had better. Then we went to get a webcam for his computer too. Now I am stuffed and a little bit sleepy.

Mel is online playing spades but EA doesn't have a windows 2000 version so I can't play spades with her whihc irritates me to no end. I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but I hate her husband, and I really don't like to hate people but this guy deserves it. he is just absolutely clueless. Its frightening just how much.

I wish i had something exciting to talk about. But alas, it appears as though I don't. Which really is a bit depressing in and of itself. Sigh. oh well. I guess you win some you lose some.

Well I am going to go and read a little stephen king. I have his new book. Dreamcatcher, its the new one coming on Tuesday. Its really good, takes a bit to get into it, but I was a bit distracted so that might be the reason. but he is good all the time anyway, except maybe there was a stretch of books that were not my favorite, like 3 or 4 that I didn't like all in a row and I don't wnat to say they weren't good cus they were but my enjoyment wasn't way up there with his older stuff and like IT and the Stand and talisman and Hearts in Atlantis and Bag of Bones But anyway. I'm rambling aimlessly so I better go.

I'll hopefully have something worthwhile tomorrow. Hopefully.

Nobody has updated today except the fool today what's up with that. well there are some others I can read that aren't at diaryland so.....


neurosis ~ catharsis