my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




another day another dollar or is that a day late and a dollar short or is it a dollar don't go as far as it used to or....

2001-02-19 - 11:26 p.m.
Did you miss today's first entry?

Today was a pretty good day. I worked over at Northeast Mall today which is always busier which makes the dday go by somewhat faster. the only bad thing and it really wasn't a bad thing since it wasn't really that busy was that iwas the only one there from 6:45 on. I got to work with Derek up till then though and he's cool. really didn't do much else though

I did get my limited edition book in today. And I have to say it wasn't nearly as exciting as I had hoped it would be. Expecially for what I paid for it. Granted there are only 52 lettered editions but I was hoping for a little better. Especially the slipcase. All in all i will have to ponder whether or not I will get the other books in the series in limited editions. We'll see.

Other than that, its been a fairly monotonous day here in andrewland.

The new stephen king book only got a C+ in Entertainment Weekly. Which is a bit disconcerting. Even moreso since I agree somewhat with the review of the book. It is a bit slow in the beginning and the best parts of the book are the flashback scenes which King does wonderfully. As far as the alien part of the book, since I haven't read too many of them, the comparison made by hte critic mean nothing to me. But I am so looking forward to King's next book, the sequelto the talisman, the Black House. My mother is water. But I went into all that yesterday didn't I or was that this morning? i can't remember. So many books, so little time.

Spring break is officially ovr as I have classes again tomorrow and get to discover the outcome of our second exams. I'm shooting for a B in both of them, hoping begging not really praying, since it'll be my fault if i don't get it but still, everyone cross yer fingers for me, will ya.

I guess that's really about it. A bit vlah i know but still. I had to have another entry to fill you in on the day as it was. Jenni comes back tomorrow. Yay! About damn time. Those Backstreet Boys hoggin' all the Jenni time. Not that I miss her mind you, don't want the girl to get a big head or anything, but it sure has been kinda boring round these here parts while she's been gone. GRIN. heheheheheheheheheheehhhehehehehe

okay hasta luego amigos

neurosis ~ catharsis