my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Tuesday and Wednesday morning squished together cuz I got lazy

2001-03-21 - 08:04 p.m.
Am listening to the soundtrack for

I saw this when I was in London last year. What a wondrous spectacle it was to see. the best theatrical presentation I ahve ever seen. I will grant you I haven't been to much in the way of the theatre but i still thought this was magnificent. I have a ticket for while I am there this time too. I just bought the ticket yesterday. Credit cards are evil devices. hehehehe

I'm curious, has anyone seen my banner yet? I haven't seen it, but I don't know if I will since its my banner, maybe they don't let me see it since it would be useless for me to see it. But I have seen several others several times each so I figure there should be a chance that I'd happen across mine. I haven't yet so if you have leave me a note in that little box to the left. thanks

today was such a beautiful day. It was a bit chilly but otherwise a beautiful day.

Talked to Mel for a bit. She has accused me of having awesome powers, to inflict pain and harm upon her husband. He's passing a kidney stone....tsk tsk tsk...what a shame Alas I had nothing to do with it, not even secretly. I'm a good guy. hehe

tis morning now

I don't know what happened....i was typing right along minding my own business when I heard the theme song to Friends come on and so I had had to go and watch Friends and then I was so comfortable on the couch that I watched the rerun of Frasier too and then well I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of Suddenly Susan which was enough to scare me awake for a moment or two at which time I turned off the tv pronto and well I wasn't in the mood to write more ediary so off went the computer too.

I have to get ready for work now. sigh...but that's not all bad. It is a beautiful day outside, though I don't hear any birds singing, just afew of their shadows passing across the window as the take roost in the trees next to the apartment. One of the negihbor throws down dried corn and other bird attracting seeds and usually in the morning there is a chorus of them outside my window with the sunrise. Its quite nice to wake up to, if i do say so myself. THough I fear all the car owners may disagree. Birds aim you know, I'm certain of it. I really don't have anything to add except hey, yesterday was the firsst day of spring. According to the weather man it started at 7:31 a.m. which one can infer that at 7:30 a.m. it was still winter. Weathermen....what do they know really.

Goodby winter, see you in about 9 months, but take your time you crotchety old man. Spring is here and she's in a wondrous mood. Flowers and trees in bloom, sunshine. All of this is GOOD. Good. okay I'm feeling dorky now with the exposition of spring so I am going to drink the rest of my Dr Pepper, (running low, almost time to get more) and get ready for work. We have inventory on Friday so everything has to be nice and neat and tidy and while it is, a little more tidying won't hurt.

Bye Now


neurosis ~ catharsis