my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




my favorite movie

2001-03-22 - 05:00 p.m.

This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I remember I watched it like 18 times at the movie theatre. I'd never done that before. I would watch this movie and it would leave me terribly melancholy and feeling really blah for days on end. And just when I thought I was feeling better again, I would go and watch it again. I loved it. I felt a kinship with the characters especially the main character of Gordie LaChance. Before this movie I had never read a Stephen King book, I would have been hard pressed to have read any books except for maybe Lord of The Rings and James Fenimore Cooper's books. (I don't know what it was about those things) Other than that I was hard pressed to say that I enjoyed reading at all. As far as that goes, I would be hard pressed to say that I expressed any sort of creative aspirations what so ever. I had never written anything up to this point, in my life either. But I watched this movie and not only was I inspired to read the book, Stephen King's Different Season (a collection of 4 short novella 3 of which have been made into movies, The Body became Stand By Me, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption became Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil, and the other story is The Breathing Method. None of which were really horror novellas at all.) All it took was this one book to hook me on reading. My living room and my current job can attest to my love of reading now. I have almost a thousand books of my very own. That's a lot of books. Anyway as well as picking up books, I also decided or rather maybe discovered that I liked to write. I am hard pressed at the moment to say that I have written anything recently but while I was still watching Stand By Me I started writing my own story. It started out as 4 boys running away from this orphanage (I had parental issues going on in the back of my head, I'm convinced) but then I started adding all this extra stuff. It was fun and exciting for me. I let other people read it, but being friends I think just the novelty of knowing someone who was "writing a book" blinded them to the bad writing. Not to mention that many of their names showed up as character names in the books and certain of their attributes showed up too. it was destined for a dusty shelf somewhere never to see the light of a publishing day. But I enjoyed writing it so much. Then about a year or so later I was working at the movie theatre and had become quite smitten with this young lady and I commenced to writing what amounts to a 400 page love letter to her. Again it was not the greatest of writing but every other day or so I would present another chapter to my reading public which had grown to about 10 and they just gobbled it up. I loved writing it up until the love of my heart was no longer there with me.

I've take creative writing classes and have created some writing that I truly enjoy (not that I don't enjoy my first attempts, rereading them brings back a nostalgic pang that eats my heart but inspires my desire to write again and again.)

I also discovered I liked poetry too. I didn't think I would. Poetry, that flowery verse of love and passion and beauty seemed unmanly to me, but again when I felt it for her, the love, the fear, the heartache, the angst, the words flowed like cool water.

I've grown a lot since the first time I saw that movie, I've aged a lot too, though you would hardly know it, thank goodness. My loves and fears and heartaches and questions and answers are still all the same, and how I see them, through eyes tinted with a romantic hue is still the same too, but I also have gained so much more knowledge about truth and love and friendship and,well, everything.

Its been awhile since I have seen a movie that has literally changed my life. There have been movies that have inspired me, most recently

A beautiful beautiful movie. You should go see it. I'd say twist the arm of every academy award voter you know who votes on best picture, but as the academy awards are Sunday night, it would prove to be a bit useless now wouldn't it. Of course we can alway demand a recount if we don't like the way the vote came out. hehehe.....the Election 2000 will never live it down, ever!

okay I gotta go. Ms Jenni is on her way over and well the place looks like a bomb went off so I have to make it look somewhat presentable.

read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis