my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Dude I am tired

2001-03-24 - 02:18 p.m.
Yesterday was teh longest day in recorded history. How may you ask could yesterday be the longest day in recorded history. Well I think you should just take my word for it. It was.The day started out like you would expect, nice and calm and I knew it was going to be a long day since I had inventory to look forward to before I was to go home. So I go up to work in the morning expecting a not so great day because well those are the kind of days you have sometimes. Little did I know. Then I remembered I had a hour long conference call that I had to join in on at 2:00 o'clock since we have the Regional Director flying in from California to look at hte new stores in his region. So after an hour and 28 minutes we were all more or less prepared for any eventuality. Of course earlier like at about 12:30 our auditor for the region decide it was my store she would audit. There's nothing worse than sitting around watching the auditor go through everything at work look for all the mistakes. And she's good at her job, let me tell you. She can find it, if its wrong. And she does, most of the time. But we ended up getting a 90% which was good. So I am content. The day is looking brighter. The store looks terrific this is going to be ar eal quick get them in and get them out sort of inventory. Not a problem. Course we can't start until the store is closed so they start counting at 9:00. 5 long and arduous hours later we are leaving for the parking lot. And to make things happy as can be, the auditor decided she would come and watch the inventory. it was very nerve wracking. Then after that, Jenni and I decided we were hungry as all I had to eat was a butterfinger candy bar.mmmmmmmmm and a dr pepper. I was a bit hungry as was she. So 3:30 rolls around and I crawl happily into bed and am out before I know what hits me. i didn't even read all the diraylands that I usually read. I did read one but then decided i wanted to sleep more. Then the alarm clock bellowed way too early. 6 a.m. I didn't get up though, I just listened intently to the rain and thunder rumbling outside. Heavy rain too i might add. it was going to be a glorious day I just knew it. And I was right. But I had a short day at work today and now am contemplating the nap that ends all naps. but first I have to call brothers to set up dinner plans for tomorrow. And then call Mikey about tonight to see if he wants to partake of whatever events we are supposed to be doing. I can't imagine he likes to be called mikey, but he seems like a mikey. Anyway then, I'm off to a nap so don't try and wake me. that would be rude. And I hold you all in such high esteem that I know, I KNOW, that none of you are rude. right? grin

okay I gotta go. My eyes are drooping. later dudes

Did I just say dudes. Dude, what am I thinkin.


neurosis ~ catharsis