my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




just call me angel of the morning, that song stuff in my head damn it!

2001-03-27 - 01:48 a.m.
I can't say as I have ever had an experience like I did last night. It was a veritable adventureless adventure. But first the day before

Had to work Sunday, I usually work every SUnday anyway, so it wasn't like a surprise that i was working but I thought I would lay a little groundwork. Work always tends to ground things for me. Anyway I worked till 6:15 or so and then moseyed on home after a long day of 36 customer all freakin day long. But that's alright. I have a feeling I am going to look back on these blissful days and realize what I missed. Since I am going back to my original store pretty soon in another week and half.

Meanwhile back at the ranch.....I got home and waited around for the siblings and their respective families to arrive. Mom was already there. And then we went and waited at Red Lobster for about an hour to sit down and eat. I had the stuffed flounder and grilled salmon. MMM MMMM GOOD. And a nice cold gigantic lobsterita(margarita) It was good too. Better than the one I had tonight which was somewhat lacking. But anyway. James, my twin, paid so that was good too. if you want to get technical I paid, only because he filled out applications for credit cards using my name as the card carrier and then got himself a card as co-card carrier so that he can have a creditcard. Course I don't know this at the time and he only calls me after someone else calls his house wanting to talk to me from the fraudulent card usage department from one of the gas cards "I" applied for. Now granted, I don't even have a freakin car, but now I have a gas card. Hmmm, how fortunate. COurse I guess its better than what my brother did, when he got pulled over by the police and got a ticket for speeding and told them that he was me and that he had forgotten his drivers license. Man there's nothing like family, huh?

So anyway, we did have a good little gathering. ALthough the youngest brother, TIm and his family, Renee, Keegan and Layton, weren't able to come so it was just the 9 of us. So after we stuffed ourselves we all went our separate ways again. Then jenni called and the evening was just beginning. So then Jenni, Mikey, Chris, Wade and myself all went on an adventure. The adventure that I alluded to in the opening paragraph. Anyway we went out to Crazy mans, which wasn't really that crazy and with the sky overcast all the lights from the horizon made it too bright even though it was midnight the clouds reflected to much light. Next time we need to go when there are no clouds. Then we went to the spooky bridger, which wasn't so much spooky as out in the middle of nowhere and it would have been cool to go exploring. Then we drove around a bit more and then we went to pornopolis (so named by Michael and Jenni) There's a nudie bar and a triple X video store. They decided we needed to go, for camp value alone. Me being the prude that I am decided I was not going to go in. Jenni and Michael started in and the Chris, who all but goaded everyone into going, started chickening out so while Jenni and Michael were on their way in I was trying to get Christ through the door. needless to say jenni and Michael look back and see bodies flying and decide that maybe the porno store s not the best idea. Oh we also went to an small little cemetary too. So afterwards we went back to Jenni's, Christ attempted to murder some fish and apparently murdered the salamander by over feeding them, then he tried to provoke Tom, (jenni had called him) Wade and Tom have a very adversarial relationship. Then Michael talked to him for a bit, he was not very impressed in the least. And then we were heading out the door to go who knows where when people started calling it a night. I was ready to go catching my second wind and the affects of the alcohol (apparently tequila makes me more sleepy that the humor inducing bacardi rum does) left my person. I wanted to go to Springtown or somethin. But instead it was to home for everyone. So then I came home and started to update only to have my laptop freeze up on me. I hate when that happens. And so I just laid down for a moment as i was watching the taped Oscars and then found myslef waking up at 4 in the morning. SO I just went to bed and wasaccosted verbally, twice no less, for not updating. sheesh. Such an impatient public. grin.

TOday was a pretty good day too. I worked at my original store. The day went by rather fast. I actually ate in a real food court. Talked to Wade for a bit, (he works across the hall from the food court and he was terribly bored from the lack of all the customers.) Then went back to work, got off work at 9:30 Went over to Jenni's then to TGI FRIDAY's which for the Recored Wade hates, proceeded to eat and watch Daniel make a fool of himself by downing 5 drinks. Granted I was hitting the Dr Pepper good too, and chasing it with a Margarita ( abad tasting margarita no less) but I was going through withdrawals. Its a good thing the shakes hadn't started in yet. After a tasty little dinner we went to Walmart, (the place has it all) and I stocked up on Dr Peppers. 20 dollars can buy you 96 glisten cool cans of dr pepper. and its well worth every cent. I wish I had had my coupons I could have saved 2 bucks! Anyway after that we, wade jenni and I, went to Wades and sat around watching General Hospital, in which Luke had a scary dream and sweated alot, Laura cried (who'd a thought) That Cassadine woman, i forget her name, schemed vocally, Sonny plotted and his lawyer, i forget her name too, talked on the pier with some guy and then we missed the last 9 minutes due to recording error. But fret not ladies and gentleman, Wade now has Soapnet on his tv or whatever its called ( the soap opera channel not the tv) and they do reruns and we were just in time for wade to rewind his tape to get it to record again, the whole thing. avec les 9 minutes praise be to heaven. Then I looked at my watch and said I need to go. It was 1:30 in the morning and Wade and Jenni, or Jenni and Wade, lets not show any favoritism about this, were rehashing old times, and what wondrous old times they were, huh? So I broke it up and we brought me home and then they left and I turned on the computer, stocked the fridge with more Dr Pepper and started this entry. I know, not the most interesting of entries but what can i say.

Hey I haven't sent you off to any good diarylands recently. so I feel obliged to do so now.

neurosis ~ catharsis