my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the gangs all here, plus "the boy"

2001-04-06 - 1:42 a.m.
tomorrow I am off to San Antonio. Only gonna be gone till sunday but I think i am going to miss a lot of behavior worth chronicling.

The gang was in perfect for this evening. It actually started out fairly well. We went to move Jenni, then we had to stop to go and pick up "the boy" from the airport. "the boy, Tom, was flying in and is staying a week here in town, with Jenni's mother and jenni, now, and he is supposedly completely enamoured with jenni. She was just a week ago really looking forward to his visit but in the last week especially has not been the most enthusiastic about the visit and was practically dreading it in the last couple of days. So we are at the airport and me, jenni and wade and the flight arrives and "the boy" arrives. He fits the description perfectly as he is just a boy, all of 16, and acts very much his age, although I think he thinks he acts much older, or at the very least tries. he seems to be a take command and direct the activity type of person. He is very possessive of Ms Jenni so much so that if he had just hiked his leg and peed all over the place it would have done the same as what he was doing all night. he seems to be very insecure about his relationship with her and is trying to buffer it with arms across the shoulder, statements of ownership and provlamations of dating. Now mind you "the boy" is only here for a week before he returns to California. SO go figure

After we pick him up at hte airport and grab his luggage, he had a guitar and a green duffelbag type suitcase we went back to jenni's old place picked up her stuff and dropped it off at her mothers then went back to Wade's. At Wade's, Michael called and wanted to see everyone and so he and Chris both came over. Chris and Michael and the rest of us then proceeded to Bennigans for a late night dinner, i guess, although i just had desert and things didn't go too well. Lot of personality clashes and i am sure as the week progresses its just going to get better.

None of this comes as a surprise. This group dynamic is very explosive. And its supposed to be a full moon this weekend. I think level headedness is virtually out of the question.

I know I am missing something.

someone email me and tell me what it is. See that nice little email link up there. use it.

Hopefully I will be able to update while I am out of town since I am bringing my laptop, but who knows. We'll see. if not, I will most assuredly update on Sunday.

neurosis ~ catharsis