my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Yeah, I know. Right?

2001-04-08 - 1:12 p.m.
It seems to me that all we want is something. And I know that's a rather blanket statement and farely obvious but still we all want something. Whether it be the tangible, like money clothes and other things, to the intangible; love, happiness, joy, peace tranquility, its the wanting. And maybe that's our drive. maybe that's what keeps us going. There isn't a contentment that we can reach and say this is where i want to be, or who I want to be or how i want to live the rest of my life. There is this keeping up with the jones' mentality in everything we do. I was thinking about my trip to london, thinking this is going to be a wonderful peacefully relaxing getaway. I don't really have anything monumental planned, I am just getting away. And you might think to yourself, well you can get away without getting away to another continent and I would say, well i've done the getting away thing stateside and it was great too, but this is ENGLAND, LONDON BABY!. But anyway i was thinking this really is an awesome trip, I mean I would give my right arm to take a trip like this and now I am and I can't wait, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking, I can't believe that JoAnn is renting a Villa in Italy for two weeks. And that Evelyn, (another romance authors) is renting a whole flat for two weeks and is going to turkey and istanbul and france. And part of me wants to say, I'm just going to London....insert dramatic i'm just going to london sigh here .... and I am not thinking that this is an awesome trip I am taking. me in LONDON! But I've been made wanton of what others have and that just pisses me off. its stupid to think otherwise. I mean here i am, crossing the ocean to spend 10 glorious days in one of THE if not the best cities in all the world, and I am feeling jipped. Stupid Stupid stupid. Call me shallow. Not you.....but you, you can call me shallow.

Apparently I missed some good fun while I was down in San Antonio, shopping, a quarrel, some good squabbling, a little cross dressing and Starbucks Coffee. Doesn't that sound like the makings of a good night! And I was sitting across the table from a 300 pound lady eating mexican food at Casa Rio on the River walk, who wants to be a romance author. Go figure which of the many fates of the world I must have pissed off to be punished with that. And it only got better when she needed a ride home and the car had a little difficulties with teh electrical system and she started having a conniption fit for no reason as if we were stranded out in the middle of nowhere instead of sitting at a gas station in one of the largest cities in the lower United States. Bad Karma cuz as soon as she was out of the car, the car perked right up. Plus, well she didn't like the book Bridges of Madison County, not the most wonderfully written books but a most wonderful story and she "didn't get it." I had to put a black mark by her name and those fates felt it would be amusing to mess with her too.

Anyway, apparently my entry last night was a bit, what was the word used, "PISSY". SO I have to apologize, but damn it I was tired, really tired, had to work a bookfair all day then drive for 6 hours and then the first thing I hear is I have a birthday aprty to go to and I'm think I am too damn tired to go to a birthday party,especially for someone I didn't know. It was pointed out to me that I did know her. And I think that just because I sat across the table from someone who I had never memt before in my life at another little soire, that doesn't make me know her any better. But she rode in the car with us, yes but I didn't exactly have a conversation with her in the back seat. CUZ WE DIDN'T KNOW EACH OTHER. But that is over and done with and we will be having a gathering of peoples this evening after work. Forgive my pissiness, as it were, anyway.

I guess that's all I gots to say for the time bein' I will talk at you'se guys later.

Yeah I know. Right? I love that little phrase. Michael says it all the time and I have to laugh to myself.

somebody says: "what's with so and so."

Michael might reply : "yeah, I know. Right?"

I laugh to myself.

neurosis ~ catharsis