my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




putt putt for the fun of it.....but i will still kick ass part deux

2001-04-09 - 1:03 a.m.
So the gathering went well. Really well actually. Not that I was expecting it to go badly. But sometimes it has a tendency to do just that. And now its 1:03 in the morning and if I didn't have to be up in 6 hours and at the store for this stupid visit by the regional director I would be getting ready to go bowling.

As it is, I am STILL the reigning putt putt champion of the world with a 45. Yeah that's right. Ms Jenni, she got a 47 and Michael Z. got a 52 and Paige a 52 Wade a 54 and Jessica a 68. California tom got a nothing because he gave up playing. He's a real pisser. He'd be a halfway decent individual sometimes if he'd just go with the flow.

Speaking of decent individuals, I have to say from first impression that Michael Z is a pretty cool person. Granted I don't know all the history and everything, but from my perspective, he seemed pretty alright. But like i said I don't know the history. I mean I was expecting a lot worse from everything I've heard from everyone, they made him out to be an asshole. And he wasn't by any means. And I am perpetually amazed that for such the person he's made out to be that everyone can act like he's their best friend to his face and then talk about him. I have problems with that cuz everyone's calling him asshole and jerk and then they're best buds. That's not right. Am I right or what? Especially when people tend to want to get over their own past and not have it held against them and then they turn around and do it to other people. maybe people are just on their best behavior around me. I don't know.

Did I tell you that Cheddars has the best damned cheese fries on the planet. Well today's serving was quite delightful, however they failed to be the best on the planet.

Maybe its because we had to wait a bit for our food because apparently there was a domestic dispute going on in the restaurant and some f*cking asshole starting hitting his child and an ambulance had to come out. Sometimes people just suck! I mean really really really suck. I say wrap his f*cking balls in masking tape and then just rip it off. Asshole! Let him know a little pain.

Anyway, that was something of a downer. But then we went bowling and you know how that went. Bows gracefully to the uproarious applause. thank you, thank you v ery much. it was nothing, really. no, no, thank you. please that's quite enough

Okay I gotta go to bed now. And wake up way too early. G'night

neurosis ~ catharsis