my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




a bunch of crap worth reading....or is it

2001-04-12 - 3:07 p.m.
Tests went well today. Well I won't say well, but they were much easier than i expected which is good since i was expecting to do miserably. But since I haven't gotten my grade back i won't know until I get back on the 26th how badly i did. I didn't study very well at all. I tried and tried but the stuff wouldn't sink in. it was like oil and water, I'd pour in all teh facts from the books and it would just go to the top of the glass and float there coming together in some sort of gelatinous blob. it was rather disconceerting. But i am sure i passed, just not very well. But as I mentioned before philosophy i get to drop a test and in personality I already have two great scores with enough points to balnce out any bad score.

If all goes well then 24 hours from now I'll be sitting at the airport wondering if my plane will crash into the Atlantic ocean on my way to London. yes this is very true, I will be pondering that very thought. The funny thing is, when I ponder such imponderables, I alwaysd imagine myself a survivor. I never imagine dying, but rather being that miraculous survivor. Clinging to aircraft debris, being pulled out of the water to relieved applause. Is that a positive outlook or what. of course pondering the plane's crash isn't the most positive starting point though, but at least i always survive. You would think by now Iwould be packed and ready to go, but alas i am not. Packed that is. ready yes, apprehensive, a bit, packed, ha. I have packed my socks though, one pair of abercrombie boxer shorts and a belt. Won't I make a delighful image my first full day there if this was all I packed. Unfortunately i have piles of dirty laundry all over the floor and about as much desire to do laundry as i do for lets say, shaving my tongue. None.

California Tom is leaving the day after tomorrow. I'm sure Jenni will becrushed, terribly crushed, I can hear her wailings already. Ahh such is life to be rid of a nuisance. I know what you're thinking, but tehy are going to miss me, miss me terribly. And this is not just ego talking. I'm a wonderful person to be around. Ask anyone, and I tell them to say just that.

Actually I am pretty sure that i will miss them too. Cuz well they have all but shoved my INFP desire for alone time right out of my system. How the hell did that happen. But I'm notsaying its a bad thing. personality traits, even the worst of them are good too. Besides I can cultivate that INFP in london. Cuz that is all I will get for awhile.

Got to talk to Mel today. She has been terribly busy. She is a court reporter and she's been working two trials simultaneously. How she can do that I don't know but that's what she's been doing. her daughter just turned 4. She's the most beautiful child, even taking in consideration who her mother is married to. But maybe I am being biased. Its a good thing it was a girl and not a boy, or he might have ot suffer from some male patterned balding. Unfortunate, almost as unfortunate as his kidney stones he had. I'd like to say i feel his pain, but the truth of the matter is I mocked it. I know not very christian of me but well i don't like the man, so can you blame me, much.

he makes her life miserable, so it is only fitting that he go through some pain of his own. HA

I really don't have much to say here. I was thinking of leaving a little advice to those i was leaving behind, but that would seem like I have all the answers and well, I don't. I don't even have many answers. Just a little observation, from a distance.

But some advice is in order.

introductions....good, any thing beyond that....bad that's as far as that goes. Nothing more. Do we know what we are talking about. those in the know should.

Everybody be nice to one another, and for goodness sakes, Jenni will be under a lot of stress, having to live at home again and feeling chained down and so realize that she might be a bit cranky with the rest of you. Don't do anything rash. No rush decisions are to be made while I am gone. No marriages, no proposal accepting, no attempts at destroying people, no hurting, hitting, biting. You can go to Starbucks a lot. drink coffee. everybody just play nice with each other. Don't make me come back and have to scold anyone, or shake my head knowingly at your behavior. That wouldn't be good. You're all friends, albeit in varying degrees.

Anyway, there's bound to be more before I actually go but this is sounding alot more blah than I had suspected. So I will go and talk at you later

neurosis ~ catharsis