my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




london day 5

2001-04-18 - 12:43 p.m.
yesterday diaryland was having technical difficulties and I was not able to update. needless to say i've forgotten everything that i wrote before i realized they were having tech#nical difficulties and it didn't post. needless to say i will have to try and remember.

what did i do yesterday.hmmmmmm

i'll try and remember. it wasn't too involved.

but so far today I went to Harrod's and let me tell you, you've never been shopping ifd you haven't been to harrod's. okay i am sure there are other shopping experiences, but from where i come from in texas, we have no comparison. no don't argue. its true, NO COMPARISON. harrod's is phenomenal. i'll have to go back say tomorrow. hahahahahqa

anyway i also got the best tasting pastry i have ever had in my entire life, right outside harrod's at a coffee shop called aroma. anyway it was a croissant type pastry only it tasted just like pecan pie. I LOVE pecan pie. and this was phenomenal. anyway tomorrow I will go back and get that again too. mmm mmm good.

in about an hour and a half i will be sitting down to Phantom of the Opera front row in the first balcony. i figure thats a pretty good seat. what do you think. we'll see. i'll tell ya.

yesterday, oh yesterday's entry wasn't so spectacular just a few hints about travelling to london. needless info. but i did do something yesterday too

i went to the grocery store last night. its so cool here, everybodsy seemed to be buying just for what they were having for dinner that night. it was amazing. i picked up a fresh still warm loaf of bread, fresh ham and cheddar, some dr pepper, naturally, and a couple of Smirnoff Ice's. I haven't been sleeping to well, time thing I guess, but those smirnoff's were like sleeping pills. I slept like a log. Neeldess to say it'll be smirnoff ice tonight too. I got those because i know a few people back home who enjoy them. so here's to you guys. I expect a few of those when I get home, cuz I'll be tired and ready for a little sleep I am sure. so hgave'm chilled iun the frig.

those I email yesterday, i need replies soon. so do tell. i need your help. okay i gotta go have some lunch. i'm hungry. talk at you later.


miss you guys at home. a great deal actually. Next time, we all go to london!

neurosis ~ catharsis