my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




london day 6 and counting

2001-04-20 - 10:47 a.m.
stupid computer!

Of course its alright. all is well. I am well. The world keeps turning. I just had a brilliant entry and it was lost for all eternity. I don't know how, I don't know why, but it is gone. so you will have to be happy with this alternate reality entry.

I went to the zoo yesterday. it cost a whopping �10 or $15 american. $15! can you imagine. and it was an okay zoo, not the greatest zoo I have ever been too, but it was okay. I've been to many a better zoo for a lot less money, have the amount actually. The Fort Worth Zoo is great.#COurse they had lots of really cool animals here that they don't have over there so I can't complain too much. BUT �10. good god a'mighty!

Glad to hear that my friends are all doing fine without me. Though I am worried about them, especially Mikey and Chris! But also Jenni and Wade too. And Paige, lets not forget paige. I am about to send my last postcards later this afterenoon cuz wqell I send any any later and well it'll get there after I do. Course that's like time travel....ooooooo

I can't wait to get b ack home and do a bunch of stuff with you guys. Just the comradeship, I miss it a great deal. Even when everyone is pissy! WHich doesn't happen too often when I am there. I have a calming affect on people, don't I. At least that's what I tell myserlf. HAHAHA

Everybody better send me emails telling me what I asked about or you get nothing! NothingAll the stuff that i have already gotten, goes back! Yeah Right, you know! ha. Anyway I mean it, I need clues. The stuff I got kinda sucks and the last thing I want is to get you stuff that sucks. Keep in mind, now that you have waited so long, I am closer to broke and so you may have to deal with crap. Like a mind the gap t-shirt or something stupid. I'd wear it myself, but the last thing I need is a bigger visible reference to the gap. David Letterman I am not, so its not a good thing.

okay my time is ticking away and I gotta go. gotta post this before the computer cruelly takes it away from me

Cheers everybody!

neurosis ~ catharsis