my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




lkondon on the homestretch

2001-04-21 - 10:17 a.m.
well i am still in london and at my wits end as to what to do right now. I am at paddingtons drinking a delightful hot chocolate, and it is delightful with powdered chocolate sprinkled right on top so its extra chocolatey. You should try it. Well I am sitting here, pulled out my trusty map of london and looked for something interesting to do, anything interesting to do. Nope did that, did that, saw that, did that went there, did that, don't care about that, I'm all british museumed out same for the national gallery, the london museum, I could go to the tate modern and the other tate museum, but as much as I like art, I feel about as cultured as I can get in 8 days time. But I don't want to just sit here. However financially I can't really do something extravagant. Well I gues technically I could if I wanted to, I could get more money, but I was hoping to make it without having to do that. I already did some shopping and most of htat I put on my checking card, in hopes that it would make my cash supply last longer, Alas as I might have mentioned London is expensive. That's the only drawback though. ANd its c old, but a coat would rememdy that next time, huh. I do want to come back very badly. and am contemplating just what and where I would go and well it wouldn't be just me this time. I could be like the official sight director for the group. we could get lost, er I mean, i could help with the subways for all my non subway riding friends. that would be cool.

Anyway, I am thinking that maybe next time it won't be a 10 day affair either. 10 days is too long, especially for one person.

Anyway everything at home seems to be going okay. a little frustration a little anxiety, a little worry but other than that, all appears from my 4800 miles perspective okay. a few phone calls, learning that our store is getting Sue Grafton for an autogrpahing, that I am going to be on the Tolkien advisory thing for Waldenbooks/Borders for whatever type of events they are going to do for the upcoming movie, which is pretty cool. All the cool stuff happens when I am gone. Not fair. Okay some of the crap happens too. but such is life.

Anyway I don't know if I want to come home. it is so tempting to pull one of these help wanted signs off the window and stay. But not without all my friends. I would be terribly lonely and even for an INFP that would be too much for me.

I have so much to do when I get back. I have my personality paper to write by Friday I have a paper for philosophy due by that Thursday I think. good lord I could go to the library couldn't I?

Okay gotta go, times a ticking and I have to post this


andrew aka Drew

neurosis ~ catharsis