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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




london past the home stretch and coming into day 7 and a half

2001-04-21 - 8:28 p.m.
its not everyday you find yourself in a foreign country sitting at a computer terminal and completly bored out of your mind. Okay so I am not completely bored, but I am just ready I guess to come home. I should have taken a shorter trip. You know what I mean. But I didn't, no I had to take 10 days. tsk tsk tsk. Not that I am complaining, well I guess that I am, but still. 10 days is just too long to try and come up with something new and interesting evryday. HARD I am telling you!

I tried to shop for people today and let me tell you thes Londoners know how to shop and shop they do, on the wekeends. The whole of London seemed to be out shopping and the crowds were tremendous. Then I was in this one shop called Niketown, I call it a shop cuz it just sold Nike stuff but it was 3 FLOORS! of nike stuff. Just Nike Stuff. but then for some reason still unknown to me, they6 had to evacuate the building which was just a thrill a minute. This alarm goes off and the loudspeakers start saying, You must leave the building immediately, do not run. THere was no way to run, there were som many people in there in the first place waiting to just go down the elevator, sure i was going to run. Needless to say that put a damper on my shopping. I did find something, but after I got it, it seemed a bit stupid but you know what, I guess it'll be better than nothing. But I still have to do something with it before I can give it to someone. Sounds mysterious don't it. Aggravating isn't it. Anyway I've decided to wait until Monday for a last ditch effort to find some cool st uff for thge people at home. Whether they like it or not after, that'll be a different thing. They really weren't that helpful ,except for the one person. Not that I am not grateful for their help, but gosh guys, I could've come up with better stuff that that I am sure.

I really don't have much else to say. Today was the Queen mother's birthday, although it isn't officially celebrated for anothr 2 months, for some odd reason, but they had a 41 can salute in Hyde park to honor the occasion. Course I missed this because at the time I was probably being herded out of Niketown like cattle to a slaughter. sigh. I miss everything/. Not really but still.

I hope everything is okay back at the home front. II got out of my way to update daily and what do I get when I sit down to read the other people's updates, yesterdays news. Its really a bit aggravating, if I were the aggravated sort. The good thing though is that it costs me by time increments so really they are just saving me money right? That's whaqt I am going to say anyway. I rteally don't have much else to say. I just wanted to update, say that I was bored and that I wanted to go h ome, but that I really don't cuz I really love it here to but in the end I am ready to come home. Only two more days and then i fly back to the good ol' USofA. sigh. that is a good thing, right. All will be well. I will get to have a hamburger though. That is something I am looking forward to, although I almost broke down today and had one, instead I bought some foodstuff and ate in my hotel room. almost as good, but still a bit lacking when all I want it a whopper. You know they have hamburgers over here that we don't have and I won't know how good it is cuz, well I didn't get to eat it. I hope you are all happy. I guess that's it for now. I am going. I'll be back tomorrow. same bat time, same bat channel.

neurosis ~ catharsis