my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




some faces behind the names

2001-04-28 - 9:07 p.m.
A picture is worth a thousand words, which is a good thing because I don't think I have a thousand words in me tonight, but you never know I might get lucky. The following is a collection of pictures of individuals who on occasion (ha) might grace the virtual pages of this diaryland. We like them, because well they grace the pages of this virtual diaryland. Count your lucky stars. perhaps not the best pictures on the planet, I admit this freely, especially mine. I take horrible pictures. I do. I hate myself in a picture. But what can i do? Anyway call this a meet and greet. There is one noticeable absent member who was the photographer of the evening and so Wade is searching his archive of photographs for a preapproved picture to be inserted. Believe me its quite an archive to, its fortunate that I don't get to choose the picture. ha!

a little soiree of sorts. Don't we all look happy. Okay, that one on the ned, is just a freak, but still, I hate having my picture taken and well can you blame me.


this here's mikey. We like mikey. Mikey is very likable. He looks like a likeable person doesn't he. Very jovial, most of the time.


This here is chris. Also a very likeable person, just ask mikey. He'll tell you. Of course since I just told you, do you really need a second opinion. I thought not.


ahhh, miss jenni, "the princess", so she likes to be called. We humour her thusly, because well i suppose one might day we are good subjects. And we are. though I just think it's just better than anarchy. Don't you?

br> Its the Paige. some of you may encounter her wondrous online antics at HERE A brilliant humourous mind wasted on the likes of us, god bless her pea pickin heart.

Tonight was an uneventful night as nights go. Plans were in the works for us to go to this Carnival that we saw was in town yesterday when we drove out to Dallas to Tower records. We drove all the way to Dallas to Tower Records for a 2.99 single. But the way I see it, Wade has a really strong strong attachment to music. He can't help it. If it were a book, I would understand wholeheartedly. So its not big deal. But anyway we saw this carnival on the side of the road off in the distance and it was thought that perhaps we would go. But the idea lost its luster, at least to me. I'm just tired I guess and walking around smelling deep fried foods and looking at carnies operating what are probably death traps waiting to happen and paying ridiculous prices just wasn't my idea of fun. Wade didn't want to go either. He's just not a carnival person i guess. SO apparently we ruined Jenni and Paige's evening. And as the evening ended they were going to go to Jenni's for a night of video games. i don't know if they were able to persuade wade to join in the electronic fun, but when we finally departed it looked unlikely. I don't know. I really don't have much more of an entry for today. I just wanted to put these pictures up. I did get to spend time with my nephew today. The most adorable little one on the planet. Even with the red hair, he's just nearlly perfect. We spent the afternoon trying to play baseball. Mym om had got him a buzz lightyear baseball set, little foam ball a oversized padded bat and a baseball mitt, that she proceeded to rip as she tried to push over this giant piece of wood and she tore a hole in the glove. I could help but laugh. But anyway, that's what I did after work. then I came home almost fell asleep and then jenni arrived and we went to Starbucks, I had my hot chocolate and then proceeded to ruin the rest of the evening. Oh well. such is life. Anyway, I guess that's about it. talk at you later ~me

neurosis ~ catharsis