my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




its another redux

2001-05-05 - 12:58 a.m.
I think my fish Maurice is on a hunger strike. I really do. He never eats. I just sprinkle those little fish food droppings on the water and he just looks at them, his little fins just flapping away. he doesn't go near them. I think he's just entertained watching them as they sink towards teh bottom of the bowl. I think I know what it is though. I think that he doesn't like his name. Maurice. Maybe its the fact that I say it with a French accent. Maybe he doesn't like the French. I know the first time I was in France I dealt with a bad frenchman who really put the kibosh on my liking the french and i'm a higher being than poor little maruice who is easily entertained watching his fish food drift to the bottom of his little bowl. How could he possibly like the French. Anyway, I just thought I would let you know.

Hmmm, what to say. Yesterday i wrote an entry, a wonderful entry by the way, filled with all the wonderful insight and wonder that is one of my better entries (they do exist you know) and then I tried to post it and KAPLOWEE!, nothing. Not there. I am going to have to copy and paste from now on so that i don't lose it. I tried the back arrow key, but my MSN Explorer sometimes can be a real pain in the ass. So I shall try to recreate it in all its wondrousness. No guarantees though.

First off i recall checking on that list in my profile that show all the people who have me on their favorites list. And some of you folks just warmed the cockles of my heart. I used to recall what teh hell a cockle was, but now I've forgotten. Suffice to say, its a good thing. But anyway two of them in particular really touched me because like everybody, you wonder if you make a difference and these two made me feel like I do. I read them everyday, or at least time they update and no matter what they are talking about, no matter their mood, their emotion, their writing is simply marvelous. And heartfelt and touching. Simply Irresitible.....oh no, now that song is in my head. Its a good thing when you don't know the words to a lot of songs, just short little phrases. then the songs can't stay stuck in your head too long. Unless you start making up your own words and end up belting out a completely new song while in the shower. I won't say I do that, but i'm sure it happens. So to those of you who do have me listed thanks.

Let's see, what to recall from our dearly departed previous entry.

Oh I tried to go into the blahness of the last couple of days. I have been so doing stuff that I have worn myself out. School, finals week, having papers to turn in, I finally got my personality paper done, but it was really pure crap. I hate writing about myself, and what irritates me is i am able to think up all this cool stuff to say but i sit down at the computer and the stupid little cursor mocks me. little bitch. But I was just like near death tired. everyone, and when I say everyone, I mean Wade, Jenni, Mikey, Chris and myself and Paige when we reminded someone to call her, were probably going to go to a movie or soemthing. At least that was my impression around 4:45 yesterday afternoon when I got off work and Wade was kind enough to offer me a ride home. Wade and Mikey were going shopping, well technically Wade was going shopping, with plans to spend every cent of his pay check on new clothes and Mikey was going with him. And then everyone was supposed to hook up later. But things didn't turn out that way. so jenni came over and we talked for a bit talked to wade on the phone a couple of times, listening to the squabbling in the background and the 3 of them were going to Dallas to Village and Oak Lawn to taste the rainbow, as it were. Course it was almost 11:00 before they got to leave. Then we didn't hear from them after so Idon't know how the evening progressed for them.

Concerning Michael and Chris, someone (and when I say someone, I have me in mind) needs to sit those two boys down and straighten out their litte problem. This talking to them separately isn't going to work. I want to keep my distance because well who am i to tell them what to do. But I don't want to sit back and then hear they are hurting each other emotionally and ruining their relationship.

I don't know, but its getting to that point where if they're not careful there's going to be regrets and hurt and pain. but that's for another day.

anyway... i was tired though so jenni stayed a littel bit and then moseyed on home herself. I tried my best to update my diaryland, only to be thwarted by the evil MSN explorer and its fiendishness.

Tonight after we have all worked, we're supposed to go on out to West End in Dallas. I'm hoping its not supposed to rain, but i think it is. But anyway, we'll see how things turn out.

I guess that's it for now. I have some reading to do but I suppose I should study first. recreational reading comes second. sigh. I can't wait till tuesday afternoon. Finals are all over, no more school till next fall.

later later later

neurosis ~ catharsis