my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




if it ain't lewd, I ain't doin it and other quaint sayings from the pack

2001-05-08 - 1:34 a.m.
When I got off work today the sky was a deep blue on one side and grey on the other and walking into the sun you could see the raindrops, big white raindrops falling. And a rainbow striped the sky to the east against the low white clouds. I walked in the rain thinking of London and my moment of existence inside a Seurat painting. It almost felt the same way but it was different because I was walking home from work and not walking through the green of Hyde park with swans coasting across the surface of the Round Pond and soccer players playing in the mud and rain with as much vigor and more since the rain had started and the sky was forebodingly grey. It wasn't the same because I was heading home to study for two tests that i could care less about instead of walking to a hotel room in the middle of the most fascinating and history rich city in all the world half way across the planet from my reality. it wasn't the same because it felt different, less free and more bound to reality. But it was still nice to walk home in the rainy sunshine,feeling both the warm sun and the cold raindrops splash against my neck. People in their cars looked at me oddly, but I didn't care. Their stuffy selves who couldn't imagine getting wet. Its sad really.

I got home intent on studying, intent because while walking home I was bound and determined to do just that, study. I really was. I got home just in time to catch the last 10 minutes of Friends. only the best show on Tee Vee. It is, you know. Anyway I sat down grabbed me a Dr Pepper, the nectar of the God, it is, you know, read the can. What your cans don't say that? Anyway then I turned the tv to another station because i figured I'd get distracted by the simpsons and i was right. It was the one where Homer has to buy a Winnebago to keep up with the Flanders' and he buys the piece of shit Winnebago and ends up destroying it, getting lost in the woods and being mistaken for a bigfoot. humor lives in animation, my friends and neighbors, lives and thrives. So I turn that off in hopes of some background studying noises. Unfortunately May is sweeps month here in the good ol' USA and well that means they are trying to fight for viewers and man oh man if I didn't stumble across Air Force One. A captivating movie that left my philosophy book open but ignored except during commercials. Then Boobs, College Ruled and Crastynacks (aka, jenni, Paige and Wade)came over and we all agreed I needs a study break. So we went to Putt Putt and hit the batting cages. Paige and Jenni actually got up to bat. it was most humourous. I didn't laugh once.....i laughed the whole time. Humourous. If it was animated I might have keeled over right there. After Putt Putt batting cages and video games We went to IHOP and ate an early breakfast. I had the international omelette. Didn't taste very international, just a little south of the border. Anyway then we went to Walmart and I stocked up on Dr Pepper. only have 2 cold cans left in the fridge, bought two dvd's "Best of Friends vols 1 & 2" which I know, they aren't complete seasons but still. I'll have to make due until the might Time Warner AOL giant crumbles under my letter writing campaign. (thus why I broke myself to buy the dvd's) Then we came back to my place, dropped the Dr pepper and me here and everyone else went their separate ways. All in all a good evening was had by all.

Work was good too. Course Wade had the audacity to think that i was mad at him for not going out with us last night and that I didn't go talk to him on purpose. But like I told him, a) there's no reason we all should have to do stuff together all the time b)he should be able to go out with the boys to do their thing and c) he didn't miss much. I was a bit loopy from lack of sleep and all we did was go to Bennigans.

All is well though. the boys are okay too. I was worried a bit, but they sound like they've gotten through a rough spot which is good.

Everyone is coming over to my place Thursday for Lasagna. I make damn good lasagna, in case you are wondering. Its true. Damn good. So that'll be fun. Anyway I really should get down to writing my essays for my test tomorrow. blech!

talk to you later.


neurosis ~ catharsis