my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




every bit as wonderful, that's what I say

2001-05-16 - 9:20 a.m.
blah blah blah blah.....I really don't have much to say. I can't think of anything to say. That's what happens when you have one of those uneventful stressfree days that just make everything seem okay. Cause in the big scheme of things, and I believe there is a big scheme of things, we should all have stressfree days. But we don't, instead we look for importance here, we look for all the wrong things that can possibly happen and we stress ourselves at so badly that anything bad that appens turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. And we don't need that. Life is like a lazy river. oh I'm going somewhere If you're all nice and comfortable in your innertube, anything or anybody you encounter can just bump right off of you. The only things that stick around are the things you reach out for, like some other intertube. Or dry land. In other words don't you just love similes sit back and relax and live your life. let all the crap and stupid stuff bounce off the intertube, it's a really cool innertube, by the way, big enough for two people even.

Now if that wasn't the dumbest simile you ever read I don't know what will be. I'm not feeling to particularly philosophical and it all sounded better in my head, but the translation, or transcription really turned out badly. Plus I still have bennigan's digesting in my stomach this morning and that leaves me a bit unsettled.

Everyone, and when I say everyone, I meant the usual suspects, were supposed to go out and eat. YOu might have noticed we do that alot. Anyway poor Paige is at death's door with Michael's bronchitis or something. that's what we're going to call it, an outbreak of Michael's bronchitis (MB). Almost all of us have had it or have it or are getting over it. I've been through it, not so bad though, Wade has it and was heavily medicated last night, Paige has it and went home early last night from work and I think Michael still has it. its a tenacious little bug, let me tell you. Anyway, paige didn't come, she has MB, couldn't get ahold of the boys, (michael and Chris), jenni was starting to get nauseated so she bailed, we almost lost Brandon, cuz he got a call, showed up at Bennigan's but nobody was there so he almost went home. fortunately he called Jenni who was talking to Wade at the time and in the end he came over here to my place. So me and Wade and Brandon sat around and talked for about an hour and then brandon had to go home cuz, well he can't help clean up the store for 2 hours after work....hehehehe. Byt then we were hungy so me and Wade went over to bennigan's and ate.

I figure its pretty safe at this point to say that Wade likes Brandon. At this point brandon should have read Wade's online diary, and so me saying it is really just reiterating. Granted I was the one who told him Wade's diary address. And its not like I did it secretly. Wade was there. Granted, he was giving me death looks for about an hour, part of the time he was holding a bat too, but fortunately, Brandon was there too, and well Wade couldn't make himself look bad, now could he. So I survived, unscathed. But brandon is supposed to be reading Wade's diary today and I know they have tentative plans to do something tomorrow after Brandon gets off from work. Not to mention Brandon is already supposed to know more or loess the contents of Wade's diary through the underground information railroad that is the Pascuzzi connection. So in all actuality, I was just easing things along in th right direction. But anyway, Wade left about 2:30 this morning, pondering everything and probably waking up dead to the world this morning since he had to open at work. Poor boy.

Anyway, other than that, not much has happened in this little world of mine.

I have to work all day today. And you know how I love those long evening shifts. I mean really, is there a more cruel and vicious thing than having to work all day. And its so beautiful outside too. These are the days when work should be postponed.

Let me work when it is rainy, or bitterly cold, when ice covers the roads, and people decide this is the time to bring their infant child to the mall (freaks), let me work, when the sky threatens to fall in on itself, with thunder karoming from horizon to horizon and rattling the walls and cabinets and lightning streaks the sky. let me work when those greenish menacing clouds fill the sky and it becomes eerily quiet except for the storm warning sirens, that can only mean one thing. let me work when the ground starts to rattle and the world as we know is being shaken like a badly drawn etch-a-sketch. But please oh please, don't let me work today. its too nice. Not that I have any plans or anything. And I am off tomorrow. but still today is here and tomorrow is an eternity away. at least the 8 hours from when I go to work and when I get off work are going to seem like an eternity. somebody want to give me a winning lottery ticket I would be totally grateful. I'd buy you something! Iguess I should go/ I'm going to go read a little and then I am going to go out to the pool and swim a little and then I am going to go to work and I might participate in whatever group activity is bound to be planned for this evening. If there is one. I'm not sure. I haven't heard anything concrete yet. But I'll let you know and you can look at your schedule and decide whether or not you want to read about it and live vicariously through me. tlak to you soon

neurosis ~ catharsis