my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the amazing adventures of a super slacker

2001-05-23 - 10:29 a.m.
Napster is dying a slow painful music free death. All the files are slowly but surely dimishing to nothing. But thats alright. There are other ways to get around such as Napster and big corporate america. For instance gnutella is a terrific alternative. I've spent have the night and morning downloading songs that are no longer available at Napster. This is the time that I wish I had a cable or T1 connection. It wouldn't take so long to download things. You know what I mean. But anyway its still easy just to select the songs you want to download and then go to bed and you have plenty of new songs to listen to in the morning. The only problem is I am hard pressed to remember song titles and so sometimes i end up with the wrong song. Though a lot of them have turned out to be okay to listen to anyway. Otehrwise, there's that hand delete function, huh. Most of the songs I've been downloading are the ones I encounter through my muscially proficient friends who have more music than you can shake a stick at. That's a lot of music by the way alot! Plus I had to download some songs from the Billy Elliot soundtrack. I watched that last night and a couple of the songs are so energized that you can help but want to get up and boogie to them. Unfortunately I'm not prone to getting up and boogieing, cuz well I'm just too white for such things. But and well don't tell anyone (ha) but I do tend to scurry about the room like a complete idiot, if inspired enough. But its usually just me. NOBODY gets to see that!

I started an entry last night but lost it to the lower browser deities who control that domain and relish in the accidental push of a wrong key on the keyboard. Well fret not little deities, your time will come.

I had me a big breakfast this morning. Seldom do I eat breakfast, but I've had this package of bacon in the fridge for about a week now and it just sat there and the last thing i want to do is throw out a pound of bacon so I broiled it in the oven, much easier and cleaner than frying it up in a frying pan, and scrambled me some eggs. It was mighty tasty stuff. No I didn't eat the whole pound of bacon, though I admit there really isn't much left of it. I can't help it, Crispy bacon, who would have the will power? Who? Liar!

Anyway, today is turning out to be a gloriously beautiful day and the very thought of sitting in here by this computer much longer sends a painfully sad signh through my very soul. SO I am going to have to leave you for a bit. No, no, don't fear, I'll be back. Relishing in the sunshine, the sparkling water of the pool, the blue of the sky, the reflected light from the pages of my book.
you know it won the Pulitzer Prize this year! I'll tell you if its any good or not. I'm pretty sure those pulitzer judges have alright taste. We'll see.

Anyway I think I am having lunch with Carolyn. I haven't talked to her in a while. Not since I have been back from my trip as a matter of fact. Which has been almost a month. Then its back home to the pool and my book. Days off are really good.

There was tentative plans for dinner tonight with Wade and Paige but I don't know if that is still on. Everyone is being a bit tentative. Actually that's not true. No one seems tentative to spend time with me, but that's because I am pretty neutral, but they aren't really jumping at the chance to spend time with each other. Which you know, maybe they need time from each other. I mean the last 3 months, aside from my vacation, we've been connected at the hip. Its not a bad thing but sometimes the idea that no man is an island might prove to be untrue. Everyone needs a little island time. I know I do, but mine's INFP time. grin. don't you know. or as Mikey would say. "Yeah, I know. Right" still just cracks me up. But anyway, I'm hoping that things will be good soon. Michael moves into his new apartment with Chris on Friday. I'm a bit worried. I hope they are strong enough to be with each other. But they fight alot and there's a lot of hurt that needs to be overcome. I don't want them to make a mistake I'm worried about michael getting hurt. And its not that I am not worried about chris, but I am more worried about michael.

Anyway, I really don't have much else to say. It looks like I am off to have an uneventful slacker day. Ahhhh,yes, this is the life. Its a shame i have to go to work....oh wait, tomorrow is slacker day part two. talk to you later


neurosis ~ catharsis