my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




a record for posterity

2001-05-25 - 8:38 a.m.
okay, I have to stop eating now. I swear in the last two days it feels like I must have eaten the state of new York. While i will grant you new York isn't one of the largest states by any means, still its a state for goodness sake and that's a lot of eating. ut food, its so good. It really is. Its a wonder I'm not the size of New York. That's what happenes when I have two days off in a row. I make myself breakfast which while nutritionally correct, leaves me hungry the rest of the day. its like my stomach has revved itself up for food, I need more i need more more more and me liking food as i do say, hmm more, that does sound like a good idea.

yesterday was a good day. Yesterday was something of af rightening day, too. But a good day.

I woke up, obviously and had a little breakfast, (that's all it takes you know, a little breakfast) and layed around the house for a bit. Did some laundry, I was running low on towels so I washed two loads of towels and socks and sheets. Then I read some more of my books The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay Its really good. The writing is phenomenal, naturally being the pulitzer prize winner this year, that it is, you would think so. But anyway I read that for a while then talked to Miss Jenni who I had lunch plans with and we went to lunch at Olive Garden. Which it was pretty good, though it left my stomach a bit blahish. It still hasn't recovered. I think its one of those italian spices that has really done me in. But anyway Olive Garden was good. Then I was suppose to make her go get her oil changed but we were running short on time and we had to skidaddle on over to Michael's house to meet up with everyone. I had a conference call about the Tolkien movie, but my phone died about half way into it, but it was just a meet and greet and do ideas type of thing. So I need to call Leigh and talk to her ,see what I missed. She is the home office buyer for science fiction and fantasy.

Michael and Brandon weren't there when we got there and Chris and Jenni went to the dollar store to pick up some umbrellas, cuz well how can you do a music video for "It's Raining Men" without umbrellas. How I ask? How? SO then Michael and Brandon show up, extra graduation invitations in hand (they were out delivering invitations to the most likely candidates weho might provide extravagant gifts. LOLOLOL. Okay I am sure they weren't doing that. grin. Then everybody showed up eventually and made phone calls for the others who were supposed to participate and then we went scurried over to Dallas to an electronics store that had the video he need to tape to and fought traffic all teh way and Chris was a bit on edge worried we weren't going to make it and we probably had at least 13 heart attacks on the way over there. But the lower video deities smiled upon him and we made it with 10 minutes to spare before closing time. then we went to the the Art Institute and Chris set up the set while we watched him and waited for Michael and Brandon and Paige toget there. then the transformation began. Did you know that tehre is a version of "Its Raining Men" with Rupaul? Well now there are two. holds up two fingers and laughs the cast was as follows

RuPaul - Michael Pascuzzi
Martha Walsh - Jenni Murphy

the "It's Raining Men" dancers

Paige Oliver
Brandon Cox
Denise Pascuzzi


that would have been me. And I have to tell you, the image of me attempting to flex my muscles without laughing to terribly hard ,is one that I wish weren't caught on film. It really is going to be one of those embarassing moments if I ever become a famous author. Let this be a lesson to you all. There will be evidence of our folly on video for the rest of our days. All in the name of friendship!

Anyway we pretty much got about half of it done before we ran out of studio time. So Tuesday we're supposed to go back and finish it up.

After filming ended and the boys, went and took off their makeup then we went to eat.

We ate at thi place called Cafe Brazil off of 75. The food was really good. Brandon and Denise had French toast, Chris had Pan Crepes, Michael had bacon and eggs, I had Chicken nachos, Paige had I can't believe I can't recall the name of her food, its tex mex, their flat, tortillas, its an obvious thing, somebody brain me please. I have'nt had enough dr pepper this morning.... and jenni had grilled cheese and avocado sandwich. then Jenni and Paige shared a delicious piece of cake. It looked really good. Then we came home. stopped by Michaels and said goodbyes then went our separate ways for the night. then I came home and went to bed. i was tired for some reason. I don't know why. But every one was tired. Michael fell asleep on the way home as did jenni. Brandon was practically asleep in the car waiting for Chris to finish up on campus.

Brandon seemed a bit upset about something, but he wouldn't share with us. He just said he was alright and gave us the thumbs up sign a couple of times when they asked. He did have a headache though but everyone seemed under the impression that their was something wrong.

Today its back to work. Blech!!! I don't like to work. Somebody want to give me a million dollars. I'll be your friend. Just a million. I won't need more than that. I can make it last for the rest of my life. really. Honest I can. a million dollars. Come on. Pleeeeeaassse! Fine. Then its off to work for me in three hours. I hope you're happy. I blame these hardened callouses on you. I hope you have a conscience. You don't do you. that's just great!

Okay I'm outta here talk to you soon Read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis