my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




my entry by any other name would still pretty much suck

2001-05-26 - 1:52 a.m.
this is not a new entry. Quite to the contrary this isn't even an entry. Okay technically it is an entry and a new entry but it is going to be filled with so much nonsensical stuff that well calling it an entry is like calling Pepsi a real drink. Everyone knows Dr Pepper is so much better. But that is neither here nor there.

I didn't do much today in the way of stuff. I woke up. that was a bad mistake cuz that's usually when my day starts. So if i don't wake up, then my day won't start, right? But I did wake up, my day did start and it pretty much blew like the santa anna winds across the desert. I didn't do anything once I got up. I made a few phone calls, being the important person that I am, people were waiting with bated breath for those phone calls. then I went for a swim, read more of my book The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay Did I mention it won the Pulitzer this year. Its really good. Then I got read for work. THis is where the excitement begins.

talked to jenni online. She was mad cuz I din't join her and ashley to watch a movie. I didn't want to watch a movie, but that really didn't matter. then teh fact that I did something with wade and paige probably didn't help matters much either, but like I said I didn't want to watch a movie. As it turned out Ashley decide not to watch the movie either so I am under the impression that miss jenni went home after work.

I on the other got to beat the hell out of some baseball.s Not many of them though. First we went to Mountasia, you know for some different scenery but the batting cages were either packed or shoot the balls down below our ankles. So we decided to go to Sonic and we ate at my apartment. Then we went to Putt Putt to there cages and used the rest of our mountasia tokens there plus two more and were in the 55 mile an hour cage. We usually do 35 and then we've been doing 45 but the other cages were occuppied and I wanted to hit some freaking balls damnit. I don't know if I was just perturbed but bringing that bat around and hitting those balls really felt pretty good. I need to work on my form though. Not great at all. But still I hot more than I missed. Which is the goal right.

After that I came back home ,Paige and Wade went back to his place to play the new Sonic video game. I am not a video game person. Never have been really. Poor hand/eye coordination or something. There are very few that i really like. Give me a video game with a gun and I can go to town. Gauntlet is pretty cool. But any game where I have to beat the shit out of someone or run in straight lines, I often find myself a bleeding mass on hte ground or running off cliffs. Its rather unnerving and aggravating to say the least. But I survive by not playing. Let's call it saving face.

But anyway I really should go. I have to be back at work in 6 hours and well I need a littel beauty sleep, well okay a little is an understatement but I need it all the same. I'll talk to you more in depth tomorrow.

neurosis ~ catharsis