my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Me of all people

2001-05-28 - 10:44 p.m.
what a difference a day makes....what a crock. A day don't make no difference. Everything is pretty much the same. the only thing different from yesterday is that today I got paid time and a half at work cuz its a holiday. I still had to deal with a bunch of loser customers who really should look into to having their books mailed to them instead of them going out in public without the beneift of a bath or the essential deoderant. Bathing should be required. ladies and gentleman. Simply stand underneath that jet of hot water rub yourself down with a bar of soap or maybe a little rubbing alcohol to kill whatever vermin and then put on some clean, stainfree from your afternoon lunch at who knows where.....You know I am in a grouchy mood. I don't know why or maybe I do and don't feel like sharing it with the rest of you. I'm just completely perplexed that's all. Completely. And it really has to do with nothing. I think. If things are going to work themselves out, I suppose they will, if not, then who am I to stand in the way. I keep thinking maybe there is something I can say, something I can do to make everything better, to make everyone see the folly that this is. But maybe I'm the only one who sees it as folly. maybe that its i would never treat my friends this way. Maybe its that all the other friends I have ever had, have never treated me this way and so I have nothing to compare it to. maybe its true and I have no answer and that is the most perplexing thing of all. I want to have an answer, I want to make it all better, i want these friends to be friends.

I can understand not wanting to spend time with someone. With anyone for that matter. I am a proponent to alone time, if anyone is. I am a proponent of not doing something every freaking day. I am a proponent to sitting out by the pool reading my book ,drinking my dr pepper and not worrying about what so and so think is or wants to do. I am not the center of the universe, and the important thing to realize, is none of us are. I know that may come as a shock to some of you. But its true.

Anyway I don't have much of an entry, he said longwindedly I'm in a mood. I don't like being in a mood. Its not a good thing.

But I should go. I ahve to open in the morning and since I said i was going to bed to Jenni when she proposed her and michell stopping by for a visit it would behoove me not to make a liar out of myself. But you know what, as nice as Michelle is, the idea that she doesn't like me sort of bothers me. Now granted she doesn't like hardly anybody, and I mean anybody, but me, of all people. Not that I'll lose any sleep over it. Except the sleep that I could have been getting when I was writing that last sentence, but other than that, no sleep.

got to work in the morning and then unless something happenes ,I am supposed to go with everyone to finish up the video over in Dallas. Then they are all having a sleep over at Michael's new apartment. Alas I have to open the next day and I don't see anyone waking up in the wee hours of the morning to give me a ride back home so I am going to have to pass. Not to mention I wasn't even invited to the house warming party that I am under the impression they're supposedly having. Me, of all people.
andrew, didn't you just say you weren't the center of the universe
--yes, but I was joking
--well here's the reality check, you're not 'da bomb
--I AM too!!!
--get a grip
--i am, i've been told on numerous occasions that I am the bomb.
--well your time is up, so just blow already
that's not very nice
--Get back to writing before you piss somebody off
--oh yeah

Sorry. Little internal dialogue. hehe this entry sucks! i gotta go now before I really make an idiot of myself, me of all people

neurosis ~ catharsis