my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression



Watching: know, I've never spelled that word out before

2001-06-01 - 2:03 a.m.
You know, there's something about taking a nap in the middle of the day that makes staying up till 2:00 in the morning not so bad. I should do it more often, but I think the people at work might frown at that. Damn employers. who the hell do they think they are, anyways.

Today was pretty much an A-OK day. Granted I got virtually nothing done. the damned postman, or fedex person or ups delivery person, who ever it was that was supposed to deliver my next day mail for me to sign for, never showed up. I fell asleep on my bed waiting patiently. I know what you're thinking and I wasn't that asleep. Every truck or large vehicle that even thought about driving by woke me up, but not once was it mail. Pissed me off. Spent the whole day waiting ,and it was for nothing.

Then I watched the Matrix, or most of the Matrix, on cable. Its a pretty good movie. I wish they would hurry up with teh sequels already. I didn't get to watch the end this time since we had to go and finish up Chris' video. it looked like fun was had by all, although at the time Chris was not having too much fun because he was running out of time. And you know what they say about directors anyway, lets just say he was in good director form and leave it at that. grin. But we did get it all finished up. You would think if you are going to have a video about it raining men, that the one guy who is playing it straight, would at least be some what attractive. Unfortunately they had to work with me. Sigh, such is life.

Chris and Michael are settling into their new apartment well, it seems. Which is a relief. As I told michael i was worried. Michael seems happy to be out on his own.

After the video shoot we went back to Cafe Brazil. I had the chicken nachos again. They were good, ask anyone at the table, they all had to sample them. Brandon had the French toast again, Denise had cheese cake Chris the grilled cheese, Michael, Jenni and Paige all had desserts that looked very good and chocolatey. Then we all went home. Brandon drove like a bat out of hell and jenni, not to be out done kept pace with him for almost the whole way. At one point we were zooming along at 100 mph. Its a good thing I was sitting in the back seat cuz I am sure there would be deep shoe impressions in the floor board had I been upfront. I did put out a few prayers for us all to make it home safely. especially Brandon, he was driving with wild abandon, to be on the safe side though.

All in all, like I said an A-OK day.

Other than that, nothing much happened today.

Tomorrow looks promising for more fun and adventure. At least fun. We, wade Paige and I are going to Remember When for part of the day and then I don't know what I am doing. I'm supposed to call Carolyn, she still hasn't seen my London pictures. Ahhh, london, boy I want to go back ,very badly.

I guess that's about it really. No drama, no major tension. one of those yawners of an entry. Sorry bout that. Maybe next time

Read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis