my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Ma bell, get a rope!

2001-06-02 - 8:31 a.m.
the phone company should be destroyed. Okay not literally. I don't want to foster any sort of rebellion against technology, but still. How dare they keep me without phone service for a whole freakin day. What are they thinking. WHat cruelty. Its a good thing that I had things to do or I would havebeen livid. Angry beyond all compare. Well not all compare. I mean there was all those times when my ISP was busy all the time, I was a bit angry then too. BUt I've grown since then, I've matured since those days of ranting and growling and yelling at the walls to make my point. It wasn't pretty, truth be told, not pretty at all. But I survived, virtually unscathed, physically, those psychologically I mightb e a bit rough but hey that can be covered really well can't it. grin

yesterday was a good day. Albeit a bit constrained for time. And lets not go into the whole phone not working bit. but it wasa good day. Wade and Paige were supposed to be over at my apartment at 11:00 or 11:30 but it wasn't until after noon that they finally showed up. COurse they were trying to call and well you know the rest of that. SO we started on our grand adventure. Which at the time was a stop at this Used Cd store, but I'm not much into buying cds so I didn't get anything. Then we went to the mall so Wade could have lunch with one of his co-workers. Then we started off to Remember When which was supposed to be a 33 minute drive but with traffic and the fact that we went the wrong direction on 35 and the fact that Paige had to be at work at 4:00 we only got to spend about 30 minutes there. Then we brought Paige back and she was late to work and I'm sure cursing Wade's name under her breath. Then we went back out to Remember WHen in an attempt to find anything remotely intereting. I had a hankering for some of the the Stephen King movie posters, but tehy were all outrageously priced. Wade did find a few picutres that he was happy with but almost everything he was looking for they either didn't have or it was stuff that was just worthless. But all in all it still a pretty neat store. I'm ghoping though that there are otehr stores like it that we can find. I am going to search around electronically to see. Afterwards we went to Best Buy to where we were supposed to by the Blink 182 cd but Wade was distracted by looking for DVD's instead. COurse they didn't have the ones he was looking for. THen we went to Wendy's for dinner at the mall. it was the first thing I ate all day except for my spoon of peanut butter and a stick of beef jerky and a gallon, at least, of Dr Pepper. So I don't know how good it was, only that it was food and I wanted it. ALthough I wasn't hungry, maybe it was the beef jerky and peanut butter. hmmmmm.

Now I am on my laptop in the living room ,because my other line, the one for my computer still isn't working.

Today is Saturday and I just crawled out of bed. For some reason my back hurts I guess I slept wrong. I don't know.

The mailman never came, the one I've been waiting on for two days. I was supposed to call teh home office yesterday concerning this little problem anbd lo and behold I have to no phone. COurse Ididn't know I was supposed to call them because no one could get ahold of me to tell me to call them. So all in all I wasted a perfectly good day off watinig on Thursday I refused to waste another perfect day on Friday and look ladies and gentlemen, today is looking to be a perfectly good day. I am going to sit out by the pool read my book, drink my dr pepper and not think about anyone or anything. I need some real INFP time. Concentrated, economy size. That'd be good. SO that is what I am going to do. SO there.

I really don't have much else to say. Well I do, but it would just bore you to tears. And who wants to be bored to tears. It doesn't sound like a wonderful thing now does it. No. It does not.

SO I will talk at you later. Hopefully it will the stuff of movies and happily ever after. But I have this feeling, that it'll be of the boring natural blah kind. SO its up to you whether or not to come back. But if you do, thanks. if not, well happy reading down teh trail. Cuz there are some great ones out there. Mine, most of the time, at least lately,has been a blustering, ranting, piece of crap. But its my crap so I can take it. byeeeeee

neurosis ~ catharsis