my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




life is like magnet poetry you only get so much to work with

2001-06-06 - 8:06 a.m.

talk about some good grub. Maybe its me, but this place has teh best damn chicken nachos on the planet. its true, its true. Granted the one we went to last night was not as nice as the one we usually go to off of 75, but still, the Chicken Nachos are near perfection. Or maybe its just me. I have to say though, there are a lot of "interesting" people running around in that part of town. And when I say that part of town I am referring to Oaklawn and the "strip." And I've come to the decision that men should not! dress up like women. I don't care how pretty they think they are, cuz, well, they're men and you can tell they're men and the makeup and the panty hose and the skirts hiked up to there, just gives a person the heebie geebies, and not eeeeewwwww, that movie looks good lets watch it, but in a oh my god i'm frightened that the testosterone is being sucked right out of the air. Truth be told, all in all, it wasn't so bad, though when we were leaving there was a scary bunch of people hanging around our car and i'm sorry, so okay, you want to dress up like a woman, don't, please don't wear a tiara, that's just royally insane. It really is.

So okay, that was pretty much the end of my evening after work. i was intent on doing nothing last night but stay home, rearrange things, (my brother brought over his entertainment center since he is at the very moment on the road to Kentucky, and he picked up his table and dropped off a computer that I am going to try and salvage cuz i think the hard drive got an electrical surge during a storm about a month ago. Anybody have any suggestions how to recover or repair it drop me an email. But Jenni left a message on my machine they she and a couple of other people, being paige, jessica and michael z. were getting sno cones. COurse when she said sno cones I couldn't exactly understand what she was garbling about, and she did garble, I have teh digital proof of it. But I called her back anyway, cuz well that's the nice person that I am and left a message on her voice mail that I called her back. Minutes later she called back and said she was going to show the troop where her new apartments were going to be and to see if I wanted to accompany them. It being almost 10 oclock I didn't imagine it would be that exciting driving around apartments in the dark so i said no and she asked if I wanted to do anything, and I asked well what are you going to do and she said i don't know, have fun and I said well usually when you have fun you end up sitting at someones house and she said well you should come and sit with us you haven't sat with us in a whiel and i said I can sit over here you are more than welcome to come and sit here and the next thing I know people devouring sno cones were sitting in my living room with me watching Friends.

It was the one where Rachel has her first day at work and Ross is jealous of her co-worker, mark. and Monica dates the busboy/waiter/poet at her restaurant job. It was funny. laughs were had by all, and by all, I mean everyone here who has a sense of humor. While we watched Friends, Michael Z rummaged through the house, through the bookshelves. He's not much of a television person calling it, the plug in drug, as it were. Though in his defense, I suppose there is a lot of crap on television, but we WON'T be putting FRIENDS in that category, will we. Didn't think so!

So after Friends I turned off the tv and we sat around and talked for a bit, about what I can't recall, then Paige wanted to go to Taco Bell cuz she wanted a burrito and then someone mentioned, I think it was Michael, going to Cafe Brazil, and before you know it, we were on our way. Actually not before we knew it, someone had to say, "didn't someone mention going to cafe brazil" before we were on our way. And I have to say it was the slowest drive over there. Usually everyone is driving like a bat out of hell to get to Dallas, at least going 80 or so but Michael was driving jenni's car and so he took it easy i guess. I'm used to us passing cars not cars passing us. But that was alright, the imaginary brakes on my side of the car weren't working too well anyway.

Anyway the food was good as usual, at least everyone ate it like it was good and well mine was good so if you haven't been to cafe brazil, you should go if you are in dallas, it's good grub. There are 5 of them in the Dallas which if you click the image up above and enter it will give you the locations. In case you are interested.

Today is open for interpretation,i.e. I've know real plans yet. sort of tentative. Jenni is supposed to come over and swim in the pool, I'm supposed to get my check from Fedex, but I believe that when I see it and Carolyn is supposed to come over and look at my pictures from London, this evening, but other than that i have nothing to do. I need to go to the grocery store. I've no real food in my house. At least none that looks in the least interesting.

Other than that, yesterday was pretty blah. Work stretche on into infinity for the last 5 hours. I worked with the talker. She talks constantly. You can walk away help customers and come back and she will have not stopped talking. the woman talks about anything and everything. she has everything from diabetes to vertigo, she's from up north, so she's got one of the personalities that tends to not ingratiate yourself to the southern hospitality, she's loud and a know it all and has to have the last word in. Now I will admit, I know some right nice northern folk, I've travelled with many of them, but this one.....lordy lordy lordy someone slip her a sedative.

Wade and I had lunch. I was pretty much in a funk at lunch. I don't know if I was just tired or not looking forward to the rest of my shift or what but lunch was pretty uneventful for Wade I am sure.

I love this is my poem I wrote this morning although i did have to cheat a little since it didn't have enough "s" magnets You should visit the site and create your own magnet poem and put it on your diaryland. Or email it to me so i can read it.

between sun morning blue
and a shade of wild berry rose
spring emerges, a sanctuary of color
and ground frost, like watery blooms
wither and wilt as summer breathes
dead vines to fertile life
mossy green tendrils root coil and roll
and ripe flowers explode to hot yellow bouquets
as winter secretly plots to kill again

sounds kind of menacing, don't it. Anyway, poetry, its good for the soul.

okay I ought to mosey on to the rest of my day. Fedex was kind enough to drop off this check so i should go put it in the bank. Money money money. We sure do like it.

talk to you soon. read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis