my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




epiphanies, not all their cracked up to be

2001-06-09 - 12:29 a.m.
Epiphanies are funny little things that spark in the back of your mind and linger there like a scent that you can't quite place or an image that is almost like a deja vu, you don't know where or whence it came only that all of the sudden its there, all bright and in living color and you're like "oh yeah!"

I don't htink I really had an epiphany. I was watching Anna and the King, with Jodie Foster and I'm curious who I would die for. What great and momentous thing would I give my all, my heart, my soul, my very being for, the ultimate sacrifice. if you haven't seen Anna and the King, it is very moving. While the main characters are really good, the subplot about the new concubine who is forced to marry the king, but is in love with another, and what happens to them, brought tears to my eyes. I'm often times too romantic for my own good. And while I hate to admit that I cry at movies, some movies, some scenes, touch me, for what they say, the message they impart, the emotion and passion they represent in all of us. The very notion that we are all capable of such a love both thrills me and scares the hell out of me. But I wonder how many have experienced it, how many have felt even a fraction of it. And I know that this is a movie kind of love, but I wish so often that I could feel that love, that I could burn inside with such emotion, that I would be the air that she breathes.

Then I was watching "you've got mail" and at the end Meg Ryan says something to Tom Hanks, that I've had said to me and I forgot since the last time I saw it, that she says that and it just put me in this whole romantic mood.

And all of this makes me feel so silly and stupid and vulnerable, and its the vulnerability that really bothers me. I hate that feeling. But anyway, this is the state of mind in which I prepare to go to sleep.

But I should tell you about yesterday and teh horrendous amouonts of money that I spend.

We (paige, wade, melissa and I) went to that Remember When shop again. Actually first we went to find this store called Stage and Screen. You know its on the internet and I get directions and we drive all teh way out there and we get there and there is a for lease sign in the window and that is all. Needless tosay we were none too please. then we moseyed on down to Remember When and I had looked at all these Stephen King movie posters and I decided, since I just happened into a small sum of money (finally) that Iwould treat my self to some walk hangings. So 10 overly priced movie posters later and a picture of Pennywise the CLown, from It we were on our way back to the ol' homestead. I wasn't the l;east big frugal either. But it was Stephen King. The Cujo movie poster is probably the coolest looking one, but I got Shawshank Redemption, green Mile, two different Misery posters, Christine, Stand By Me, Dead Zone, and two others that slip my mind at the moment. But they're all very cool and will be cooler still when I splurge to have tehm framed. Probably 1 or two at a time because man oh man is that going to cost me something. But still. Very cool.

After that we went over toWade's for a bit, watched the Friends episode with teh Cheesecake, one of my favorite episode storylines, hilarious. and then we went out to grapevine Mills to eat at the Rainforest Cafe restaurant. Which all in all it was pretty good. A little pricey but still it was good. Then I got dropped off and Paige got dropped off I think and then Wade and melissa went to hang with trey, his sister and this kid named jason.

today I did virtually nothing. I was tired most of the day, worked till 5:00 then came home and crashed for a bit, I was tired, watched the movies, talked to Wade on the telephone for a bit, and then started my update. I've been none too inspired for an update. And I can't say as to why. Besides the fact that the update in question seems hardly worth reading, but an update all the same. I shant get out of the habit or it'll just fall to the way side. And I don't want that. This has been a fun little enterprise, to say the least.

But now I have to go to sleep. Cuz I'm tired. I reckon I will talk to you again.

Read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis