my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Friday nite lite and Saturday nite too

2001-06-17 - 12:27 a.m.
So you get off work and you think you have it all planned out only to discover that nope, you don't.

Went to

after work last night. They really do have some good Pizza. Went with Jenni, (the)Chad, Michael Z, Katherine, and jessica. It was fun. The pizza was good too. After that the evening sort of fizzled out, or rather I di. But I had to open in the morning too, so fizzling out seemed like a good idea. And they were going to play video games and I'm not much in the way of video games. Even though they were Jeopardy and You Don't Know Jack, which technically are video games, they aren't really. But I wasn't in a gaming mood so, so that was that.

So I went home and they continued their fun and excitement without me.

WOrk was a complete bore today. It was pretty busy too but I was very irritable to say the least, cranky to put it mildly and all the customers were pissing me off. They were cranky too, I think it was the humidity or something, or the fact that there were like a billion people in the mall and I forgot my wallet so I was doing without the proper intaek of Dr Pepper too. So you tell me. But I was very cranky and ready to go home by 10:00 but itwas just opening time and I had to wait another 6 hours and 45 minutes. We had anohter autographing at the store. This one wasn't near as interesting, at least to me. Her name was Dara Joy and she writes romance books, actually they are futuristic romance books and she has her following and it was a pretty good autographing, but it wasn't a Sue grafton autographing so.....

After work I came home and took a short nap. I was still a bit tired from having to wake up in the morning. I mean really. Everyday i have to wake up, what's with that. So I took a short nap and then went to Bennigan's with Wade, Paige, Melissa, Christan and Andrea. We tried to go to the pool hall next door but everyone didn't have ID's and for some reason they were IDing tonight so it was a no go. So they all went their way and I came back here because while the nap was good, ti wasn't very refreshing, so i am going to go to bed. But I thought an update of some kind should be in order. so here you go, an update.

neurosis ~ catharsis