my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




morning aint all its cracked up to be

2001-06-23 - 6:14 p.m.
especially early in the morning, and when I say early I mean like 7:00 ish in the a.m. Course I guess it would have been that bad had I actually dragged my tired ass out of bed, but I stayed in bed listening to the radio with this odd idea that it was Sunday and I didn't have to be at work until 10:00. Much to my surprise I remember suddenly that i was supposed to be at work in 10 minutes when i realized that indeed it was Saturday. Then I felt terrible this morning. I mean it was not good. If i did not have a bookfair to go to I probably would have called into work today. But the bookfair is relatively little work and I can sit down most of the time except for the part where I have to lift 400 lbs worth of book into the trunk of Ms Bakers car and then lug them to the room where we set up the tables and sell the books. But it was a pretty good day until a stupid little mishap where we had to go back to plano after we got back to the store. So we were in the car for like 2 hours going ack and forth. But I didn't have to work in the mall at all today so that was a good thing. Course I have to take care of all the stuff that I didn't do today since I left as soon as we got back to the store after our second trip to plano.

Last night was pretty cool. Went to Starbucks. Everyone was loud but me.....hehehe....okay maybe that's not exactly the truth. Some might even go so far as to say I was loud. Maybe. Anyway we were at Starbucks for about an hour and then we sat in the parking lot for about another 30 minutes. Police strolled by and thought the girls were assaulting me. That was not the case at all though. Then we went to Bennigans

for some grub. i wasn't feeling too hungry but dessert sounded pretty good so I got the white chocolate chill out. it was good but apparently not so good that I could finish it. but my stomach has bee n a bit rebellious of late cuz of all the pizza I've been eating, I think. I don't know.

A couple of things to note.

I had the best underwear on last night, if i do say so myself. Jenni was wearing her ratty Victoria Secrets, and by ratty she only means that the elastic is coming undone.Michaels was from Target. Katherines were the plain white variety. Jess' were blue, i think Jess apparently bids on porn at ebay.....hehehe....not really..... i mean technically she did, but only because, well, I forget who was supposed to be in the porn...oh mark Mcgrath from Sugar Ray as jenni was kind enough to remind me. She hasn't seen this porn yet apparently. She claims to have no intention on seeing the porn. I think it was back seat sluts 3, excuse me as jenni pointed out it was backstage sluts. Ouch! She just struck me too.

Speaking of being struck, Jess struck me rather viciously for a mere slip of the tongue. I won't go into detail for fear of repercussions, suffice to say, I think I have a bruise.

hmmm, what else. I guess that's all of an update i can come up with right now.

neurosis ~ catharsis