my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Showdown at the O.K. Starbucks Corral

2001-06-27 - 10:19 a.m.
Brought to you by


The wind was neglible,it was a little bit hot, a little bit muggy. their faces were stretched in grimaces of anger. There were no bullets flying, just anger, thick and palpable and a cup of hot chocolate also thick. That's what started it all, The hot chocolate. Don't tell me that women are the gentler side of the human race. Its not true. I mean if you compare a fight between two men and two women, the women will get down to it. Its just a mean ugly thing. But anyway apparently that cup of chocolate went flying and the next thing you know all the world was hateful. So much posturing and threats and name calling and other things said that was better left unsaid. As I told Brandon C, it was embarassing. I was embarassed.

Since there will be no apologies forthcoming from any of the warring factions I put them forth on their behalf, where I think they are do. Whether they want to agree with them or no. I apologize for the fact that Melissa threw that hot chocolate. it was stupid, it was idiotic, it was uncalled for. I apologize for all the name calling and filth that was spewed when Brandon decided he need to come back and threaten to kick everybody ass. I couldn't believe I had to sit through that. I mean everybody was gone, everybody done with their yelling and here comes ol' brandon to get in another two cents. I'm mean to what purpose?

I don't apologize for Michael for taking up for Jess, that's what he's supposed to do.

I take offense to the word faggot being used by any one in either group, because everybody involved at that little ruckus has friends who are gay and for Melissa to say it, and for other people to infer that just because they are gay, it makes them less than a person, to throw it at them as an insult, well that's bullshit. We, that would be me and those of us straight folk who's friends are called that, should take offense. Even if its used against somebody you hate right now, you have friends that are gay too, and that word and the slurs and the hate that they attach to it, well look back to april to see what type of shit comes from that. You can't be for it just because the people you are with are mad at the same people you are mad at. it doesn't work that way.

I'm not meaning to sound self righteous or anything like that or better than thou, or what have you, because I know I am not better than anybody else.

Now onto more important matters....I have keyword searched the phrase best damned nachos in town and nowhere in my livejournal is it found. obviously, someone, and we won't mention her name cuz wel lteh scathing repercussions might get nasty, but lets just say she was wrong. Now if you keyword best damn chicken nachos on the planet, you have matches all over the places, which would infer that somebody, we won't mention his name because well, it would be too self serving, but that would make him right psssst, it was me, I was right, she was wrong heheheheheAnyway, those of you curious, Cafe Brazil has the best damned nachos on the entire planet, not town because well obviously, there ain't no Cafe Brazil in this town. But planet, well there are a few.

Yesterday at work we had an autographing. A great successful autographing, too successful as we ran out of books and more or less sold all the freaking books in a ten mile radius not to mention half the stores in our district as well as from Dallas, Carrolton, Plano and Arlington. And I was supposed to read a passage with the author. Little did I know what I had in store for me. I knew it was supposed to be funny, but I didn't know that the character's lines I was reading, was that of a drag queen. I didn't know that the author was kind enough to bring a long blond wig and a long bright pink boa. Suffice to say lots of laughs were had by all and I have never been so embarassed in all my life. There I am standing on top of this table, in front of an estimated 400 - 500 people, plus everybody I work with, my two district managers, our security loss prevention manager, and countless others, in a pink boa and long blond tresses and reading in a voice that sounded like eddie murphy playing a southern black drag queen. not bad for a little white boy. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful.

Then I went to Starbucks, sans blond wig and boa and had my hot chocolate. i wish I could say it was teh best damned hot chocolate on the planet, but it wasn't. The attendees were, Me, Jenni, Jess, Katherine, Michael, Chad, Bobby, and Brandon. After that we went to Bennigans, half of us wishing we were elsewhere. Then we had a defector when Star trek was broguht up and then he was gone. grin. then we were really wishing we were elsewhere while they talked Crusher and Dax and cardgame and action figures and the bridge . i was waiting for a tribble to come out somewhere. Now like any reasonable person, I liked Star trek Next Generation. Of all the incarnations of Star Trek, that was and is my favorite. Maybe its because i wanted to talk like Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. (you know I do do a picard voice too but I have to admit it may sound a bit like Connery and Coburn but not so much) Course then there's Scotty from the original, but everyone tries to talk like Scotty. "I don't think the engines can't take it much longer captain!" they all have those anglo accents that are just too cool. I'd have to listen to Picard talk a bit. Its a bit rusty as i sit here trying to talk like him as I type this out. Anyway, the evening came to a blissful close as everyone drove off in their separate directions. Came home checked my email, talked to Brandon C online for a bit. He was filling me in on his overractive social life. And about all the guys who like him and the guys he likes. I was playing big brother, thowing out all the warnings and worries and telling him to be careful and so forth and so on. I can't help it, he's only 17 (I know going on 18 in a month or so, but still) and well I'm gonna worry about him. He needs to be careful. Then I contemplating updating last night, but sleep sounded so much better so to bed i went. And now here I am talking about chicken nachos which I didn't get cuz we went to bennigans, talking about a bunch of other stuff and i guess I've come to a stopping place. Lets here a great big sigh of relief. I said sigh of relief not Yahoo! Boy some people. Okay read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis