my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Austin Day 3 plus some

2001-07-02 - 9:42 a.m.
Not much planned today. Jennifer's at work right now and I am contemplating the universe. Okay really I am just staring at the condensation dripping down my Dr Pepper can, but who's to say that the universe is a lot of stellar condensation. GOt you there didn't I? Anyway not much on the schedule today. I think I am going to amble up to Guadalupe today for a bit while Jennifer is at work. Go to the half price bookstore see if they have anything worth spending money on. They probably do. I never leave here without books. Its a sickness really. No really it is. I almost glad I don't have a music thing like so many people at home do and like Jennifer does here. Its almost a relief but sometimes I feel them calling me in their little diamond cases, taunting me, saying you know you want me, there's this one song I'll sing for ya anytime you want. Devious little discs aren't they. But I am going to the bookstore, also devious little has been wood pulp. I'll tell you a story. Any story you want. any time you want. as fast or as slow or as long as you want. just take me home with you. But that's where I am going. THen back here for lunch. Jennifer is coming home for lunch as I recall and then she has another excursion to her other job and then. I forget. But tonight we are going to this other club/dance place where the same band we saw Saturday is playing again. This time we get to sit. SItting is good, especially if you aren't dancing. And I'm not. Tomorrow we are going to the Paramount.

Its a really cool old time theatre that has been restored and they play old movies there. They are playing two musicals. An American in Paris and Meet Me in St Louis that we are going to see

Anyway, that's it for now.

oh and one more thing, in case anyone, and by anyone I mean Michael. Its probably a bit far to drive for a concert but I'm sure you can get some people together to go with you but the Old 97s are going to be in Austin in concert on Saturday, July 21st. Just thought you might want to know Its going to be at a place called Stubb's 801 Red River. you can go to

and they will have all the information online. Anyway, just in case you were interested.

I guess that's all for now though. Read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis