my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the end of Austin Day 3 or Day 4's very beginning

2001-07-03 - 4:50 a.m.
The biggest thing I hate about going out is coming home and smelling like a cigarette. Seriously. I hate it immensely./ I mean I don't have a problem with somebody smoking, I really don't until I come home smelling like it so badly that I have to quarantine my clothes so as not to infect everything else with that old nasty cigarette smell. Especially when you don't notice it. Like Cruz its all over you, in your hair, up your nose in your eyes, but then you take that shower and your clothes after wards have to be held at arms length due to the stench It really is horrible.

Anyway most of the day I spent reading. I was reading One of the Lee Child books that I bought the other day. THey're paperback. I did bid on some that are on ebay, autographed hardcovers but I don't know if I will get them or not. I didn't bid very high Cruz I don't need them that bad, but it would be cool to have them though. I cracked open one of them pints of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. That's what I had for dinner more or less. I did try to have some chicken nachos down here, in hopes of finding something even close to Cafe Brazil, alas these were probably the worst Chicken nachos on the planet. They were pretty blech.

But before we went to eat we went to the Continental Club

It was pretty cool. The band that was playing was Roger Wallace

He was really good. I think I am going to get his CDs while I am down here He sings some good old country, sort of reminds me of George Strait. I liked it a lot. After the Continental we went to a club called Ego. Dale Watson, the guy we saw on Saturday was playing there. Like I mentioned Jennifer likes this band so we went again. It was good. I enjoyed it more this time I think Cruz I got to sit down plus I was under the influence of two hefty shots of Johnny Walker Red Label and a margarita. SO I was a happy camper, chair dancing (the only kind of dancing I do) to the beat. It was good BUt I liked the other guy better.

After that we went to Magnolia's. Its kind of like a Cafe Brazil, only not so good at all. Especially when it comes to Chicken Nachos. Not even close. Not even that good at all. I was rather disappointed to say the least. Sigh. Oh well you can't have perfection every time now can you. I'll talk at you later. I'm tired now.

neurosis ~ catharsis