my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




monday tuesday wednesday....

2001-07-11 - 11:43 a.m.
Mmmmm, Dr Pepper (once threatened by a diabolical young lady who thought it would be cool to steal it) sure is good stuff. Nice and cold. Hits the spot every time. Except for when you've eaten too much Mexican food and then go out to Cafe Brazil and eat the worlds Greatest Chicken Nacho (they are you know) and are so terribly full of food that the very idea of eating or drinking ever again is almost torture. That was yesterday. When I woke up, the thought of throwing up seemed like the best idea in the world. I didn't of course cuz I had to go to work instead. But I am getting ahead of myself

Monday was a pretty blah day. Not a bad day by any means but pretty blah all the same. I had to work a split shift, open in the morning at the store and do the autographing thing out in mesquite. Before we went to the autographing though we the people who were having the autographing paid for us to have dinner at this Mexican place. It was really good. Its one of those family owned places where it pretty much authentic. But it was really good. Even the guacamole was good and I usually don't like guacamole. I mean just the were alone sounds like you have something in your throat. GWOCK a moley. Not a pretty word by no means. But I hadn't eaten all, well except a slice of cheese pizza that MS Ritchie, she used to work at the bookstore, came by and gave me because they're big slices and she had ordered two not realizing that it would be like half a normal size pizza. So I gladly ate it for her. So anyway,...I was a little bit hungry but I got a big plate of food, which may come as no surprise to some people as I do have a tendency to get "the trough of food", as she likes to call it, when we go to Abuelos. Anyway so I ate all that, cleaned my plate like a good boy. then we sat at the autographing for a couple of hours, where they had cookies and strawberries and pineapple and various other fruit. I ate the strawberries and the pineapple and several cookies along with a glass of punch. One would think I would be stuffed at this point. Sadly enough, I was. But after the autographing, we sold 16 copies, we came home, I rang up the books we sold and then went home.

Jenni called a bit later and said they were at Starbucks and wanted to know if I wanted to go. I said sure. She dragged herself away from them and came and got me and we went back to Starbucks. I had my hot chocolate, as usual, and suffered in the muggy humid hot outside although it was already 10:00 or so. We stayed there and talked, we being Jenni, Jess, Katherine, Michael, Paige, Chad, and myself until a little after closing time. Then it was on to Cafe Brazil. Except Cafe Brazil was only attended to by Jess, Jenni, Katherine and myself. The others went to their homesteads for various reasons.

At cafe Brazil I had my Chicken nachos, The best damn chicken nachos A) ever B) On the Planet C) in town or D)if you picked A or C you are a big moron. Katherine and Jenni also partook of their own order of Chicken nachos while Ms Jess decided to once again have some lemony water.Which if I had considered in the least what I had eaten over the last couple of hours I should have done the same thing. But they were CHICKEN NACHOS. I couldn't help myself. So at Cafe Brazil we talked about various and sundry things, like my uncanny and freakish ability to find things, oh you know like addresses(didn't mean to freak anyone out) and diaries and livejournals (they're so easy to find) and so forth and so on, we talked about the pictures of me on my computer, I swear I wasn't naked! GRIN honest! I mean if I don't think its a pretty sight, I surely don't want pictures. I mean do you blame me? Its bad enough shirtless. Anyway, why anyone would be going through my computer AGAIN is beyond me. I may just have to take back my key. I mean besides all that, someone (CC) decides to order certain pay per view channels, you eat all my good chocolate, accuse me and my lasagna of making you all sick, plot to steal my Dr pepper and my underwear I mean really! sheesh.

I finally paid for my books I got off of ebay. 3 lee Child books in hardcover. I got the new one free from the home office. So I still need to get the first one. but I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for it. so...I'll just have to wait and see, maybe stumble across it somewhere else.

Anyway, other than that, not much going on in the land of nod....wait a minute this isn't the land of nod.

okay I guess that's all. Now I have to go and get ready for work. Aren't those the best words you ever got to hear. I hate them myself. But I am off work tomorrow so all should be well. I have pork chops marinating. mm mm mmmmm, I almost cooked them today, but thought nah, tomorrow. Much better. Macaroni and cheese. A vegetable of choice. Probably corn, I like corn. Anyway sounds good, don't it. grin okay, I'll talk at you later if you are reading.

Oh yeah. My friend Carolyn, is an aunt again today. Her new niece is named Emma Kate (last name ) I like that name. it sounds very I don't know. okay I'm going now

neurosis ~ catharsis