my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




another lazy hazy daze in summer, well late spring but you get my drift

2001-07-12 - 9:25 p.m.
one of those lazy hazy daze of summer. Its too hot already, its too hot. But I said that already. I don't like hot too much. I like cold, cool at the very least but that is not what I had today was it, oh no.

And of course the pool is still closed filled with ugly people with power tools and no water. Its just wrong. Hopefully they will be done before too long. But I won't hold my breath. A cold shower never really hits the spot. Some times it does but most of the time, its just a cold shower.

Did do much today, but I wasn't really planning on it. The internet being the swell technological breakthrough that it is, I went shopping. Filled up on the various and sundry alcoholic beverages and Then I played with the webcam a bit. Pretty blah there, I mean it was just me and truthfully not even me but my bookshelves. I wasn't feeling very photogenic. Not that I ever feel photogenic. I am convince that cameras all cameras hate me. That would explain it, well there is another explanation, but my ego wouldn't want to see it writing. So we'll just call cameras hateful hateful things.

Going to watch Final Fantasy tonight with Wade and Paige. The other group of people are supposed to go to the village.

I was supposed to read a book today. That was on my agenda. But of all the books that I have and I have a lot, not a one interested me. I did watch a bunch of television, well not a bunch, I watched Friends on channel 33 and then I watched it again on NBC, cuz it is Must See TV

I mean how can you not watch. Okay so I guess there might be a few of you out there who (gasp) don't like Friends. How that is possible I don't know, especially since it is such a good show, but go figure. Reality TV as crappy as it is, is tops in the ratings. Don't we all already have a little too much reality in our lives without having to watch it on tv too. I mean this is supposed to be our escape. right? Instead we have to watch that crap. Course I don't watch it but still its there. More and more it is becoming a boob tube. Alas the good ol' days of great bad tv is gone and now all we are left with is this stuff. Sigh. A tragedy really. Now if that wasn't a load of crap I don't know what was......not the Friends part though, Cuz Friends is the best!!! And don't even consider disagreeing with me.

Other than that, my day hasn't been too great. I gotta go though, my ride is about to come and whisk me away. later

neurosis ~ catharsis