my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




man this week went by fast

2001-07-14 - 10:24 a.m.

I don't want to say that Final Fantasy was a bad movie. I am sure that it has merit of some form or another, the graphics and special effects were great. But it wasn't my favorite movie of the year or anything like that. I mean it was good, it was watchable but still I'd have rather watched something else now that I've seen it. But I'm kinda boring like that. Plus my fellow movie goers were making such spectacles of themselves, talking real loud and echoing through the theatre. truly I think that is why Paige wanted to sit there. The acoustics were perfect to where you could almost whisper and be heard all over the theatre. Well you know Paige, she doesn't whisper. At all! Okay, I see that look on your face. No need to be accusatory. It was me, I was loud. You can't be too surprised. But the acoustics. they were so good. I mean get a good laugh going and I can sound almost menacing, but with an acoustically correct movie theatre and you sitting in the perfect seats, I was like a mad genius come to life. It was pretty funny. The highlight of the whole movie experience. Paige sitting there her face covered in shame or embarrassment, I haven't decided quite yet which one it was. All in all, it was an okay movie. if you read the review excerpts on the yahoo page, it pretty much sums up the movie itself though. In my humble, albeit well backed up, opinion.

The next day dawned with the sun beating down on my window like some cracked up fiend with a very bright flash light. It was bright and clear and hot, did I mention hot. DFW is way too hot, really way too hot. Not just a little hot, but WAY too hot. I ate my other pork chop and it didn't sit too well with me. So not only was it a dry pork chop but I probably gave myself food poisoning. Just minor food poisoning though, so quit dancing in the aisles. its not what I get for the lasagna. That was damned good lasagna. Y' all must of reheated it wrong or something. Don't ask me how you can reheat something wrong. Anyway after a couple of hours of moribund entertainment via the internet and chatting with a few people online, I had to go to work. Ahh work, something everyone should have to do. No really. Its all its cracked up to be and more. I mean the v ery word, work, just makes it so desirable. You should do it sometimes, see what you are missing. Anyway I had to work with Martha half the day, (my manager) and then the other half of the day I had to work with "the talker" As I've mentioned previously, she won't shut the hell up. I wonder if in a previous life someone cut out her tongue and now she is just making up for it. And you know she is just the type of person who would have had a previous life and probably had her tongue cut out. I know, I know, that seems harsh, but let me put you in a room with her for 10 minutes, no five, with a dull or blunt instrument and we'll just see who's right. it'll be me by the way. "the talker" is sharing herself with other employers now cuz surprisingly enough she only gets a few hours at the bookstore. Maybe if things go well, she'll be gone before too long. I know its a big surprise but for some reason she always finds herself doing all the tedious work away from the register.

Anyway after work it was up to Starbucks with Jenni and her co worker Ashley. They were making a big huge scene about the big soft comfy chairs. Okay maybe again that was me, but they were going to steal my chair. Did you know, if you whine enough about people going to steal your chair, the cashier will actually stop helping the persons she is ringing up and bring you your vente hot chocolate. I think I am growing on those people. I can tell they REALLY like me.

Then we, Jenni Ashley and I talked deep rich conversations concerning the world in general, okay truth time, I called them both sluts and whore. Jokingly of course, but as I recall those words did come to mind, okay I did actually say them too, but jokingly, I was laughing at the time, so okay I laugh at everything but still. They're not really sluts or whores, that I know of. GRIN

Anyway after that, Jenni came over and I tried to help her do her review for work. It wasn't the most concerted effort on my part. I mean there really isn't much I could put on there. I mean truth be told, that store is dying, its last gasping breaths and death throes are hard to watch, like watching a fluttering pigeon with a broken wing.....heres a great know that scene in Apt Pupil where Brad Renfro's character crushes the pigeon with the broken wing with a basketball, to put it out of its misery, well maybe that's what should be done to North Hills Mall. A proverbial giant basketball should be dribbled right on top of it. As you might have guessed, after we worked on her review for a bit, I became somewhat uninspired to say the least, we watched Apt Pupil. It was a pretty good movie. I have it, only because its a Stephen King adaptation. And well Stephen King, I mean come on! So we watched that and then Miss jenni went home about 2 ish in the morning.

7:00 comes way too earlier. You think we can call the international time and date people and have them change 7:00 and make it mean 12:00 noon. Cuz then I will get to sleep more. I know what you're thinking, you can still sleep more. But I can't you see. Like to, but can't.

For some reason they, probably Jenni, Chad, Jess, Katherine and extras, are going out to Springtown tonight. Those of you unaware of where or what Springtown is, its this little berg in the middle of nowhere, except there is this graveyard where there is a glowing tombstone. Actually, that's in Agnes, an even smaller little berg out in the middle of an even bigger nowhere. getting there is half the fun and getting out. I swear the road signs changed on us and the fog was rolling and the moon was menacing.....

They're supposed to go star gazing. I'm thinking, YAWN. Not that I have better plans, or anything but I got my fill of Springtown. The tombstone does sort of glow, so the trek isn't completely wasted. And I am sure the stars are great, I mean you can actually see them, so.....

Today is looking rather bleak. Only because well I have to go to work. And well gosh I love that. But first I have to fill up all these extra hours before work when I should be sleeping but can't.

The pool looks like it is almost done. There are half a dozen people out there scraping and brushing and someone even has a flame thrower type thing to cook what ever they shellacking onto it. It looks like hot work. I can't wait to go swimming. The enjoy the fruits of their labor. Knowing my luck though, they'll be in the bookstore later with all their kids tearing up the children's section. I've probably just jinxed myself. such is life though, ain't it.

Anyway the day is wasting away and me along with it. So I should go before something catastrophic happens and I miss it.

neurosis ~ catharsis