my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the hostess with the mostest is a bit boring and monotonus

2001-07-19 - 9:19 a.m.
Anyway another day come and gone. I know how disheartening that can be. I was reading another persons diary the other day and he was talking about how when we were little h ow everything seemed so different and well it put me in a nostalic mood. Gotta love those nostalgic moods don't you. They kind make you sorta wistful and everything kind of has that shadowy hazy look of memories. And the cool thing about being nostalgic is you're never nostalgic about the bad times,just the good times. you never look back and say gosh, remember when I broke my leg, ahh man, good times....nope, unless of course you're my brother when he says something like, member when we were kids and we were jumping up and down on the couch and I pushed you off a nd you broke your leg....ahhh man, good times. that's my brother for you. he's asleep right now on my couch with his wife, actually I hear them stirring, actually I hear someone blowing there nose, eeewwwww, so I guess I should go host a bit. Nah. they're big people.

The good news is that FEDEX finally delivered the package. I mean its about time right. Anyone in the mood for something tasting of vanilla. You know someone, NOT YOU, may think I'm a boozer, but I really don't drink hardly that much at all. But I think that is only because it doesn't take that much to make me happy. Now my brother, the alcoholic, okay he's not really an alcoholic he just likes to drink every day ,except usually on Sunday, but he still likes to drink ALOT. he says not everyday like there was this day last week...hehehe.....that he didn't drink. COurse he couldn't remember which day that was. But me, a good hefty shot of something and I am good to go. Its really rather fortuitous if you ask me. But now I have Stoli's Vanil Vodka. MMMMMMM. Not to mention a few other things. And then we went out to the military base yesterday, my brother's a military person, and I picked up a couple of other things. I figure what's the use of having a nice book on drinks if all you have is a few alcoholic beverages

Anyway other than that I don't have much to say. Work was the longest 8 hours known to man, I think it lasted as long as World War II. I swear and it was just as painful too, except they didn't let me carry a gun. sigh I had lunch with Wade. Had to cancel on the Jurassic Park III movie because of the relatives being in town and all. What kind of host would that make me? I'm in the mood to be a bad host but I can't bring myself to be that way.

I'm off today. my dad is supposed to come by this afternoon. we were supposed to meet him but I guess plans have changed.. And then Tim and his family are supposed to come over tonight. More hosting duties. I'm off tomorrow too. Thank goodness everyone is supposed to be gone....

I'm ready for a day off that I don't have family around. is that bad. I mean I like it that James and the family came down but its also a bit tiring. And I guess I should go. The apartments manager's office has my fedex. Gotta go pick it up 'fore they know its contraband of the best kind. tasty contraband. I'll talk at you later

If tomorrow never comes.....(come on you know the song)
will she know how much I love her
did I try in every way to show her everyday
that she's my only one
And if my time on earth is through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes.

Not that I am trying to pick up this whole song of the day thing that some of you have going ....hehehehehehehehehebut the sentiment in this seemed appropriate. Its more a dedication than a song of the day. As another song goes....this is dedicated to the one[s] I love primarily my friends. You know who you are.

neurosis ~ catharsis