my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




another day in paradise, wait aminute that sign doesn't sasy paradise it says hell

2001-08-03 - 12:45 a.m.
Have I mentioned just how much I love to swim. Just how great the water feels. Especially with it being so hot. And the cool thing about the pool is that most of the time hardly anybody swims in the pool. SO its like its my very own pool. And I can swim to my heart's content. Except for when there are a billion people swimming. I guess they don't know that its MY pool and that they swim at my discretion.

But all of that is not important right now cuz its been a day and a half since I went swimming and this update is languishing in update hell while I decide just what I should write in this entry.

There's lots I suppose but finding the right word is making me hesitant to write anything at all.

Lets take a trip back in time. Back back back to Tuesday when I started this entry and have not yet finished it. I was talking about swimming. I remember that, oh yeah look up there it is, yeah I was talking about swimming. that was on Monday. I swam on Monday. Then I did the rest of Monday which might have made it into an entry and then I started another one Tuesday afternoon before I had to go to work but then i lost my muse, she's a finicky little lass who seldom asks for leave of absences but takes them anyway. this was such an occasion. Anyway Tuesday was a long drawn out process. Had to work all day and then it was off to Starbucks. This was where the bad karma made an appearance. that bad karma came in the form of The Talker. Someone who will remain nameless thought it would be nice to invite the talker to Starbucks. And yes it was a kind and generous offer. One made with the best of intentions I am sure. The talker is someone you have to take in small doses, tiny infinitesimal doses, so low must the dosage be that you wonder if you came in contact with anyone at all. Anything more can be detrimental to your mental stability. I have witnesses to this, although they were all a bit jarred to the reality of the talker. Suffice to say coffee at Starbucks was not the most pleasant of affairs. And you can imagine my surprise when the offer to join us to Cafe Brazil was given. Apparently I need to work on my death stare it didn't seem to phase the kind individual who continued my misery into the wee hours of the morning.

So anyway we went out to Starbucks where I ordered the super quesadillas. For two reasons really. One I wasn't in the mood for the best chicken nachos on the planet and had I been the second reason would have been to keep from ruining one of the delicious things with the caustic memory of her company. Yes you are probably asking yourself, could it possibly be that bad. I mean really? I say yes. The pain of a dull rusty knife or the prongs of large salad fork jabbed into my heart would not have provided any greater pain. I say all this with the realization and acknowledgement that yes, she is a nice person. But sometimes even nice people can be real big pains in the ass. I'm sorry this happens to be true.

Anyway after Starbucks and Cafe Brazil, (I rode in the care with Michael, Katherine and Jess) probably not the most kind thing to do, but still, I never claimed to be a saint. I have to work this person, this is something I have to do, but I shouldn't have to hang out with her away from work, especially when the person who invited her knew, KNEW, the extent of my.....what's the word, not dislike, cuz its not that I don't like her, its just well, that I don't like her. Anyway as there will be no next since if there is a next I won't be going, I suppose it is all water under the proverbial bridge.

Wednesday was a rather uneventful day.Went swimming before I had to go to work. then I went to work. then I came home and went to bed. That was all. I was awfully tired I guess so I did nothing.

Then today another uneventful day. I went to work. Went shopping and spent lots of money, or rather heated up the old Discover Card and then came home. Jennifer, Katherine and Paige and I went to Soup or Salad for dinner after a quick stop at half price books. I bought a copy of one of the New Yorker magazines that has a Stephen King short story in it that hasn't been published in book form yet. It will probably be in the Cadillac Eight short story collection that is supposed to be coming out next year. Hopefully. Then we made huge pigs of ourselves, the ladies acting very unlady like, I have to say. Okay maybe it was me being a bit boisterous and loud, but I don't think so. Don't read their diaries, they stretch the truth. then we went to Gamestop and Jenni bought a copy of Zelda, cuz she "loves" Zelda. Then we were too stuffed to go to Starbucks so we went to my apartment. the girls thought it would be a good idea to start a chocolate fight. they were vicious pelting me with Hershey's miniatures. For no reason. Okay maybe they were provoked. Maybe, but I doubt it. Then an unstable truce was called and I put in Dead Poets Society, a truly awesome movie. Jess showed up. And Chad showed up. The movie played. Jennifer and that Paige girl cried. So sad. and then we all talked for a bit, Michael called and talked to Jenni for a minute or so. We weren't made privy to the conversation well only one side of it any ways. Then everybody dispersed to their cars and went home. All in all a good day was had by all. I think.

I guess that's it for the time being. Read me later. Any thing that you might read in those other diaries out there concerning tonight is pure yellow journalism with terrible editorializing!!!! grin

neurosis ~ catharsis