my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the biggest blah you ever read, well maybe

2001-08-05 - 2:51 a.m.
Worked sucked. I know you're asking yourself just how that could be possible working in a bookstore like you are, but believe when I say work sucked. It just did. If I hadn't been working with Derek all day I probably would have done something terrible to one of the customers. Probably the Luby's lady. I've worked for the bookstore for quite a few years now. Don't ask me why, procrastination from entering the real world for a real job. Though some might say this is a real job, probably my manager for one, but this is not my life's ambition and so it is not a real job to me. But in all the years that I have worked at the bookstore I have had one customer above all others that I have hated. She is this old crabby bitch who has to have two bags to carry her stupid books out to her car where she says she happened to have parked all the way on the other side of the mall and I'm thinking, yeah and that $3.99 paperback is just going to bust right through that plastic bag on that long trek. I do so hate this woman. With a passion. She reads those harlequin romance series books and if she calls once she calls 7 times a week to see if the new ones have come in. I'd like to shove an august silhouette desire right down her throat. But that would be unchivalrous, so I just grit my teeth and imagine spraying pepper spray on her. As I told Derek, if we have one customer who deserves a little pepper spray every now and then, she is the one. As you might have imagines, she came into the store today. Along with half the population of Texas. of course the first couple of hours while we were open it wasn't so bad. a wreck on 183 and a wreck on Bedford UEless rode kept most of the riff raff out of the store. So Derek and I just sat around and talked the entire time while poor pregnant tiffany did all the work. Again not so chivalrous. But I did just unload a whole cart of bargain books so I deserved a little rest. I would say that is better than what Derek did, but he hardly ever does anything anyway. he's the new store pet. Martha lets him get away with everything. And when the manager doesn't make you work, there is no way that anybody else will. so I just deal with it. But I have a tendency not to work when I am working with him and we just talk all day. that is if Martha isn't there to interrupt. Usually she is though.

Anyway the mall was too crowded and all the people wouldn't go away. Fortunately I didn't have to close tonight. And we still have one more day of this madness which I work all day. But its a Sunday and a short day to boot. only 6 hours of having to deal with these crazies. May I remind you that it is only 8.25%!!!

I'm gonna go swimming. I'll be back in a bit.....swimming was post poned. TOo many people all of the sudden. Little kids who scurry in and out of the water like ants on a dead grasshopper. Can't really swim properly with that now can you. So I watched Bait, instead. It was really good. I'm not much of a Jamie Foxx fan, but it was pretty good. Then I watched the end of Caddyshack. I thought it was stupid when I saw it the first time, so many years ago, and watching it again, just validates my belief. What a dumb movie. II hate Rodney dangerfield anyway. He's about as funny as a brain tumor. Do you smell oranges?

Anyway tonight we are supposed to go out to Cafe Brazil. We were supposed to go last night but some unforeseen difficulties prevented the trek out there. So tonight is an attempted redux.

The chicken nachos while not the best chicken nachos on the planet this evening, were still pretty good. We sat inside. mostly because it was cooler inside. We sat right underneath the air conditioner vent and I think my chicken nachos congealed into one gigantic chicken nacho. But still it was mighty tasty.

After that we walked back to the car. They charge for parking in all the parking lots on Saturday night so we had to park way down past the kroger and walk. We were badly serenaded by a pan handler who had to put in two of his own quarters while we waited for the light to change to cross the street.

We decided a good game of bowling was in order. And so we went to Showplace lanes which is open 24 hours. THe bowling was all right. Nothing great. I barely broke a 100 matter of fact I got a 105. Wade got 128 mostly due to the fact that he got 2 strikes and 9 pens in the 10th frame. But he did pretty good all in all. Paige, poor poor Paige only got 12 I mean errr I mean 67 point. sigh. she doesn't like to bowl very least that's her excuse. Christan got like 87 points or something like that apparently her ball wasn't working or something like that. hehehehehehe. But they did all get strikes whereas I didn't get a single strike. Not one. Plenty of nine pens and a spare but no strikes. Really that pisses me off more than anything. sigh....oh well

After that it was time for the home front as I have to work in the morning. Wade and the crew are suppose to go and make t-shirts. a pastime that I haven't taken to with the heart that they have. Call me silly. Anyway that's what they are doing with the rest of their Saturday night/Sunday wee early in the morning.

Other than that, not much is going on here in the brain. Its time for my Dr pepper night cap. First thing in the morning last thing at night. Something to wash down the melatonin. It really does help me sleep better. I sleep deeper. Sometimes I actually remember my dreams too. hmmmm. perhaps I should re attempt the dream project mentioned in the early days of this diary at diaryland. It wasn't a very successful project as I tried eating different things and so forth and so on to no avail. But what else will I be doing in my sleep. So this will be test redux numero uno. The meal that prepared for this evenings dream test is chicken nachos, a few jalapenos consumed, Dr pepper and some melatonin. We shall see what becomes of it. So good night and sleep tight.

neurosis ~ catharsis