my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




chores are very boring. Isn't that why you move out so you don't have chores any more. I guesss now they're responsibilities. blech!!!

2001-08-08 - 2:07 p.m.

Get out the 50 gallon jug of Tide detergent. $500.25 worth of quarters and a huge piles of laundry, and I'm talking I've seen monuments smaller, and what do you have. Yes that's right boys and girl, a day off spent contemplating just what a horrible mistake Eve and her deviousness caused mankind. You know before her little ruse and the that little morsel from the tree of life, all we would have had to worry about was SPF 30.

Of course there would be NO leather seats because on a hot Tan lines would be a myth. Okay I'll grant you that yes, its a good thing that some people have to wear clothes.

And well skins and shirts football games, how would determine teams. So okay, clothes are good, but why cant they be self cleaning. Really. TIDE needs to come up with something revolutionary. Not new and improved cuz usually that's just the shape of the bottle, or the color of the box that I have to lug out to the laundry mat and I still have to pour it in the washing machine. so.....all in all, you can probably tell I am looking forward to doing laundry.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. granted I wasted most of the day at work and at work my DM decided she needed to spend the day with us because we had an autographing that night. it wasn't the big event that Janet evanovich was but still she d decided she had to be there all day. I found busy work elsewhere in the store. I'm not saying she isn't a nice woman I mean she did buy all of us dinner so I guess I should just shut up and go about my business. But she was there all day. Derek was happy to tell me that she was coming as soon as I walked in the door. There was a delight in his face. Then as I was going to get something to drink he told me again. Again delight in his face. I'm certain there's a touch of evil in him. grin. After the autographing, she was there too long. Although everyone had a good time cause she started it by talking to everybody but she talked for an hour and 15 minutes. She didn't finish autographing the extra books till almost 10. at about 9:30 we got all the customers out and I tried to close the registers but Martha, oh you got to love that woman, decides she wants to buy some books. Then, does she rush on over to buy the books so I can close out the last register. Oh no she's over there chatting and having a good time. Again my death stares just aren't working. I need a mutant power. I does one go about getting a mutant power and becoming an Xman. I can be there a Deathray. It would be cool. I can have all kinds of deadly rays ice, fire, laser, it would be cool. I want to be Deathray.

Called Jenni back on the telephone and I know someone reading this is going to be mad that I didn't call them back when I got home after work. It was a spur of the moment thing, they were already on the way and they (Jenni and Michael Z)said they would turn around and come get me so I told them okay. We went out to Tower and then to Cafe Brazil. Which you might think would be getting a bit redundant, but it was fun. I mean we didn't do anything special just ate food and cheesecake and Michael bought a couple of CDs and I bought Notting Hill. They're suppose to have location shots and everything so I can wax nostalgic about my trip to London. Granted I wasn't too impressed with the part of Notting Hill I saw in person. Kinda smelled like pee, but still I can say I was there. I didn't see the bookstore that was in the movie. Someone thought my movie selection was a bit......we'll just call it curious. Anyway after Tower and Brazil it was back to home again. they came in and stayed for a bit, we listened to a couple of songs from Michael's CDs the one that mentions working for UPS and another one about men wearing women's clothes. Michael likes his music. And I can't say its bad, like the Nellie Furtada or however you spell it, was all right. Anyway....after about 30 minutes they tired of hanging around and went home. I went to bed.

just gotta love Calvin and his bike

Today jen and pascuzzi and I are suppose to go out and about to the antique stores. It was supposed to be Michael and Jenni, but I was summarily invited since I was off for the day too. it ought to be fun. Maybe I can find another electric antique fan or something that they don't want a billion dollars for. Cuz well I don't have a billion dollars. Anyway if I am going to do this, I suppose I should bring this early morning edition to a close. So read me later. Also guess what I am going to do before I go antiquing and while I am doing laundry?

You get one guess. that's it!

neurosis ~ catharsis