my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




a world awash with letters

2001-08-12 - 9:25 a.m.
dear cafe brazil,

your chicken nachos which can be the best damned chicken nachos on the planet, were not last night. Needless to say a refund is in order. But I shall let it slide because of their potential for greatness and the fact that even the greatest of things can be merely mundane on occasion. But please please please, don't let it happen again.

Dear Nellie Furtada,

you sing good girl. I especially like the song where you sing in Portuguese, because well that's just plain cool. I have this thing for languages. I tried to teach myself Russian once, and Japanese. Since this is all in English, you may suspect that I failed in my attempt. But I still have the books around here somewhere, so perhaps one day soon I will compose a juvenile and probably a poorly translated letter of correspondence in one of those languages.

Dear Dr Pepper.

You do make the world taste better. No matter what all those coke head and Britney Spear lovers say, Dr Pepper is it. Now granted you are now owned by one of those huge conglomerate corporations over in England (I love England too btw so that's a good thing) but you still taste great. I am still a bit perplexed concerning the removal of the polyethylene glycol, but I am going to assume that it is for my own good that its not in their. But you know it did give it that special addictive something.

Dear Banking industry,

there is a nice warm place in hell, a place without financial secretaries and errand boys that is set aside especially for you. May you all have no air conditioning on the hottest day of the year so that you might have a small sampling of just what your afterlife will be life. Forever ........FOOOOORRRRR EEEEEEEEEEE VVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!

Dear Derek, you have attempted to steal my soul. Because you have no soul. you are the soulless boy with the unsoul. And I can easily understand why you would want my soul as I am well virtually perfect, except the occasional flaw. Such as it is. (you'd have to be in the know about this one)

Dear Michael Z,

you're driving was much better last night. Granted it wasn't as good as in mofo, but we'll just blame the car for that. Of course when poor miss Jessicallalabingbong drove Jen's car she said something about the way it was driving too. And it didn't take near that long to get to Dallas this time. Now getting home, that was really a bit much. thanks for the ride home too.

Dear jessica,

I always knew it was the car and not you. Everyone else was naysayers but me.

Dear Jenn,

did you get your phone call. MWAHAHAHAHAHA. Blase' is blase, I mean whatcha gonna do, right? But don't you fret none. All is well with the world.

Dear Paige,

I know you can't wait to have that creative writing class with me. Now when the creative writing teacher asks if I am stalking her and I profess no, do not burst out into laughter.

Dear Ms Cuyler,

Please do not ask me if I am stalking you. I'm not. really. I just love your class. Okay 4 times is a bit drastic. But my writing improves greatly with each effort. Its a shame you can't make more than an A in a class. perhaps a platinum symbol of excellence will suffice for my current efforts. an "A" emeritus, sure that's it.

Dear Diaryland and livejournal. I wish you would really get your servers running right. It has been hell trying to connect to your sights and you are down way too much and as a paying customer I felt this the appropriate forum to say "hey what the hell!" There I said it. thank you


neurosis ~ catharsis