my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




lackluster my ass!!!

2001-08-16 - 9:34 a.m.

listening to my new Old 97's CDs. I bought two of them the other day at Tower.
Yesterday was a good day, I might venture to say it was almost a great day, except for a certain stroll in the billion degree heat down a not so steep hill to heritage Park where I got sweat in my eyes (which burns by the way) But over all it was a damn fine day You know Fort Worth is a nice little city. Not the best of cities they can do a lot to fix up that stupid little outlet mall of there's that used to be the Tandy Center. Its almost empty and with all the renovation and everything they are doing in Sundance Square, the potential for that little mall is phenomenal. But it was pretty lackluster, no really it was. But Paige did get a lot of girly things at Claires because they were having an Inventory Liquidation, everything 75% off sale. They were closing. Anyway we strolled around the mall for a bit and were going down the elevator when Wade was not so much groped as lightly caressed by a little black boy who grabbed onto the sleeve of his shirt and then kind of grabbed his side. He was only like 12 and we figured he was either a bad pickpocket, afraid of the elevator or maybe a bit enamoured with him. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. I have to admit that it was really hilarious. It really was. Just ask wade, he'll tell you I laughed my ass off on numerous occasions. After the crappy outlet mall we went over to the Fort Worth Library. I had to go and ogle the Stephen King books, cuz well they're Stephen King books. My selection is much better. Confession time is that if they had a good condition first edition of anything I would have had to check it out and not return it. I would pay for it afterwards so they could replace it with a new one, but still. They had a bunch of ugly well read editions that weren't worth my time and effort. The library is in this really fairly new building but the inside leaves something to be desired truthfully. After the library we strolled about the city for a bit and it was really hot so we stopped in the Modern Art shop store and played with their kid toys in the air condition for a bit. then we strolled back to the outlet mall and stopped to get something cold to drink in the convenience store, that's what it was called the convenience store. Without thinking I bought Wade a jolt cola. The caffeine went to his head quicker than you could imagine and he was loopy for about half an hour. I've never had a jolt cola before so I wouldn't know what it was like. Anyway after the long hot stroll down the freakin hill in the heat of the freakin day we made our way back to the homesteads. Paige wanted to go tae Boxing and we probably would have made it had it not been for someone's complete loss of time. Suffice to say I was expecting to see a more concerted effort on Paige's part to drown wade in the pool. alas he was forgiven or at the very least her desire to kill him was nullified a great deal once she hit the pool water. Paige really likes to go swimming. if she were 5, we probably would have heard her bellowing, 5 more minutes, 5 more minutes! But she isn't 5, although her repetitive babbling about certain things, the fact that everyone hates me, Especially her tends to be on the juvenile side. I mean everybody knows nobody hates me, well maybe a few people, but its not my fault. grin. Wade and Paige valiantly attempted to put me under water, alas they failed. Don't worry one of these days it will happen again. They did dunk me once last time we went swimming. As did Paige and jenni when we went swimming. Don't say I never admit defeat. Y'all did real good. very good. pat yourselves on the back. grin After swimming we were going to go watch The Others but, well we don't really have a good record so far as timely and punctuality. Then as we were leaving Miss jenni messaged me and I was able to persuade her to join us So we booked it on over to Jenni and then on over to grapevine Mills where we arrived just in time to miss the movie. So we had no choice really but to head to Tower Records. Originally that is what jenni wanted to do anyway. She had run out of the usual suspects to go to Tower with and she finally got to my name on the list sniff sniff At Tower I bought the Train cd because I love that EDrops of Jupiter song. I think we heard it on the radio about a dozen times yesterday but we never got to listen the whole song. But that didn't stop us all from belting it out at the top of our lungs every time. Except for Paige, (juvenile) who doesn't like the deep fried chicken line and apparently its ruined for her. Silly girl it gives the song character. grin Anyway I bought that cd and a cool tin of Altoids cuz I'm stupid like that. It was a cool looking tin. really it was just an impulse buy. They saw me coming. But they are curiously strong. After Tower we made our way on over to Cafe Brazil. I had the cheese omelette cuz Michael had it the last time we were there and it looked much better than my chicken nachos. This was the time we went to the one on 75. Anyway Paige had a season fruit bowl, jenni forgot she was on a diet for a day and had a piece of cake and a steamer and Wade had chicken nachos. Because well it would have been completely wrong had no one ordered chicken nachos. because they have THE BEST DAMN CHICKEN NACHOS ON THE PLANET Wrong I say! So we ate. The waiter kept putting his hand on my back and stuff like that, calling me babe, which was a bit weird, I mean not like "ewww! He's touching me", but like ".....ummmm, excuse me, but he's touching me." Wade felt it only fair since he was "molested" by the little black boy. After Cafe Brazil it was back to the homestead. We have tentative plans to go and watch The Others tonight when everybody gets off work around 6 or 7ish or so that ought to be good. Now I am just sitting here listening to my second Old 97s cd. I like the song Indefinitely. I've listened to it about 10 times already. Now I need to go get my Train cd. Or maybe a little Nellie

Anyway, such is my entry for the day. Like I said it was a good day yesterday.

only 29 more days till this book comes out. have you reserved your copy yet. if not, WHY THE HELL NOT!

neurosis ~ catharsis