my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




its raining its pouring the old man is updating his diaryland...wait aminute isn't that supposed to rhyme?

2001-08-17 - 10:53 a.m.
Apparently the "gang" is all back together again. While I am happy at the prospect of seeing my friends talk to each other like normal civilized adults, okay I would be hard pressed to call either Jenni or Wade normal.hehehehehehe, still the fact that they are "back to normal" seems to be a good thing. Hopefully everybody will take their cue from the past and try and direct their present actions with the knowledge that friendships no matter how strong they may appear, do have breaking points. I for one don't want to go through that again. And another thing, while the gang is back together, I'm hoping that Jessica, Michael and Katherine will still find it in their hearts to spend a little of it with us. I kinda got used to them being around and without admitting it directly, I'd miss them if they weren't there to darken my door every now and then. Just so you don't go on an ego trip, sometimes when it is terribly quiet and the world is about as boring as it can be I might even miss "The talker".....Okay that's not true, I'd rather have her tongue cut out, okay that's not true either because the incomprehensible rambling that might ensue would probably drive me a bit crazy. What I am trying to say is don't take the reconciliation as your cue to go away. You're not allowed to go away. I refuse to let y'all. If I have to start stalking you (and you know the freaky person that I am apparently, I just might) and showing up at your doorsteps with lasagnas or something. I will. Okay maybe I won't go that far, I mean if you don't want to hang out then I guess that's your prerogative. But my door is always open, with a bowlful of chocolates waiting on the table. to eat or to throw, whichever you would like. And as far as that goes, there's another Michael who we haven't seen in these parts in a while that is sorely missed. I hope everything is all right with him. We worry about him over there in Dallas. And I know he's upset with Wade still and I'm sure he has his reasons, but Wade is one of the few people in all the world who would drop anything at a moments notice to do anything and everything for him, unconditionally. you're probably thinking that I am trying to paint Wade in a certain light, but as someone who's been there for the last 2 and half almost 3 months,his biggest concerns were his friendships with Michael and Jenni. Yes Wade does have a tendency to be a bit expressive and vocal of his opinions, but out of all the people who went out of their way to make sure Michael and Chris were okay, it was the one person who disliked Chris the most. And I'm 99% sure it was and is a mutual hatred, there's no denying it. I don't see a reconciliation coming between the two of them and Michael seems willing to take Chris' lead. Michael is a lot stronger than people give him credit for and I doubt seriously he misses much in the way of what goes on around him. So his choices are still his choices.

Its been raining all morning. The sky is that putrid gray that oftentimes accompanies rain. and the thunder and lightning certainly don't help. Its making an ugly day out of today. Hopefully it will turn out all right. Although most of the day will be spent inside and working with the public, a public that can be a fickle bunch of louts that think that the world revolves around them. Little do they know how wrong they are. I would go into detail concerning just how wrong they are and how actually they are just a bunch of lemmings led by advertising and entertainment, but then I would catch myself being hypocritical. I don't know. Suffice to say, I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO WORK TODAY. Martha is back from her vacation and man o man, that just makes work that much more fun. Fortunately I close with Derek and after Martha finds it in her heart to get the hell out, the rest of the work day ought to be good. Now don't get the impression that we don't like Martha, she's a nice lady, she is just a bit of a dud when it comes to work. Nobody horses around with her, and so that being the case there can't be any horsing around at all. It rather perturbs her I think that everyone gets along. Course she's "the manager" and technically I'm management too, but my management skills are a bit lacking. Ask jenni. I work too hard to be a manager. grin. I usually approach things with the perspective that I can do it better faster and easier than someone else so I might as well do it myself instead of having someone else do it.

Anyway this is pretty boring stuff so I mosey on to something a little more interesting...........there doesn't seem to be anything more interesting at the moment.

this has been a bit preachy in places. Not my intent. sorry for that. the rain and the music on the computer, though not so much in the way of being preachy seems to have been a odd combination.

I bet Nelly would go well with the rain dripping outside my window. hmmmm. Especially that one song. okay I gotta go. talk at you later

neurosis ~ catharsis