my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




nobody knows, well except all of you reading all of this...what are you crazy

Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2001 - 12:03 P.M.
So sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. personally I never too fond of Mounds or Almond Joy. Yeah occasionally a little coconut is good but as far as a candy bar goes, its gone before you know it. What is this all leading up to? I don't know.

School today. blech. I don't think my acting class is going to work out. I mean the reason I wanted to take the class is to maybe be in a play or something but with the plays and everything being at night and with all the rehearsals being at night and me working a 40 hour a week job and going to school during the day, that really leaves little time for any chance of being in a play. And maybe I am just copping out. Maybe its just cuz I'm a big fat chicken and don't want to get up in front of people to possibly maybe make an idiot of myself or embarrass myself or any of those other things. Granted I am sure that half the people in the class are feeling the same thing......chances are that's the case right there, I'm a big fat chicken. I'll admit it freely. Bock bock. It pisses me off though. I don't want to be a big fat chicken. I would love nothing more than to be able to get up in front of people and make an ass of myself and not feel like I made an ass of myself.

Anyway, that's neither here nor there.

Yesterday was a good day. Or rather it started out pretty good and stayed pretty good almost all day long. the end left something to be desired but well you can't have everything can you? Anyway I didn't have to work until 1:00 so I just did a bunch of nothing for the longest time. You like I actually slept late and everything. Okay maybe 10:00 am isn't late for everyone, but its late for me. Ask anyone. Its a task to sleep all day. It really is and I have to say its really irritating. But then I got up, got dressed and went to work. Work was all right. I mean it would have been a lot worse had Martha not bee out of town, but as the fates would have it she is in manager meeting land in California. So i worked for a bit until Derek got there and then I tried to work some more, but well Derek takes the desire to work right out of a person. So instead we shot paper wads at each other for most of the night when he wasn't on the telephone. He was dead man walking by the end of the night. he only got me like three times. Anyway after work it was off to Starbucks. Never mind that someone forgot to swing by and get me. We wont mention her name or the fact that she hasn't updated her diaryland in 46 days, but suffice to say, she forgot me. I would go into detail about the pain and anguish i suffered, but its still too close to the surface. Afterwards we sat around at Starbucks while my minion of dive bombing crickets got my revenge on that person (who happens to dislike crickets) and then we went inside so that she could sit in peace and comfort. See I can be a nice person. Then Wade showed up, in very good spirits and then one thing led to another and things were said and people got mad and everyone went home. Nothing beyond repair happened, apologies were said and I'm assuming delivered via e-mail and everyone realizes that there is a dislike among people, so lets not make a mountain of it. Anyway suffice to say the evening wasn't quite the success it could have been, not like the night before where Starbucks was great everyone had fun and the night was great!

Tonight, after work, its off to the gym again. Need to figure out some sort of game plan instead of just working random muscles. But still, its the gym. We were going to go last night, but three nights in a row, not a good idea without a plan. my pecs are rebelling Plus I'm still reeling from standing on the scale. I'm going to continue telling my self that muscle weighs more than fat, muscle weighs more than fat, muscle weighs more than fat.

So that's that. I'm outta here, class beckons me.

neurosis ~ catharsis