my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




blahditty blahditty blah

Thursday, Sept. 06, 2001 - 6:53 P.M.
Its still raining. Its been raining off an on for days now, and personally while I love rain as much as the next person, even you, I still think enough is enough. These grey skies and wet wet days are enough to drive a person to drink....hey, wait a minute..... Not really. okay really, but still, I don't like this consecutive days of rain crap. I mean last time we had to have an ark and a rainbow covenant....but still. Enough with the rain already. It drags a person down. Now I will admit, I like rain, I do, a walk in the rain or playing in the deep puddles or standing under the cascading fall from off of the roof, can bring out the kid in me, but still.....quit it already. I want sunshine, lots and lots of sunshine. There are so many mushroom rings out there I'm waiting for them to open intro portals to alternate universes or something. I don't know, never mind.

It is Wednesday right now. So an update should be in order, yes.

So Tuesday from the last update, was a pretty good day. It really was. Work was swell. Worked with Derek who went on and on about his new car stereo and sub woofer and amplifier that he got. And I have to say it did sound pretty good. He had to blast, Get Your Freak on because it had some really great base, then he play POP cuz well he likes N*Sync for some reason. Oh well there's no accounting for taste, now is there. grin

Anyway after that I moseyed on to the homestead. It was hot and muggy but I survived. Thank goodness.

I waited around a bit for Wade so that we could go to 24hour fitness and had ar eally good invigorating workout.

Yesterday was a pretty lackadaisical day. WOke up fairly late as Wade didn't leave till after 2:00 talking about this and that and by golly I should sleep late, plus, surprise surprise, it was raining so I thought I'd sleep late. So I did. Then I went to class. And we all sat around in a big circle and talked about this short story we were suppose to read for class and she took up the whole class time discussing this short story, an hour and 20 minutes, mind you and then she started on the 4 short scenes that she selected for us to read assigned to us student. Mine, be it fortunately or unfortunately, was first, and Paige's was second, but we never got to Paige's, cuz well the class is only an h our and 20 minutes so she started after class was actually over, on mine. I had to read it and then they knocked it around back and forth amongst themselves. Hopefully we'll just go on to Paige's on Monday. Although I admit it read really well. GRIN. The person next to me on my left hand side said that that was the one she liked best, and also Paige's and she was embarrassed to be sitting next to two people who would be discussed that day.

Anyway after class I came back to the homestead and wasted time. Turned on the TV cooked up some noodles and a can of Spinach and toasted some English muffins and had a really odd lunch. Watched a bunch of mindless television for a bit, talked to Jenni on the telephone and Wade and then we all met up at Starbucks and then moseyed on over to Bennigans. Wade was hoping to see the host boy again, he was suddenly enamoured with. Unfortunately the Bennigan's boy wasn't there. And they sat us way in the very corner. I won't tell you who was being very childish and immature with their food on account of it may incriminate me, but suffice to say corn should not be mixed with all that stuff. It was rather noxious, or so I'm told. GRIN

After that it was off to Tower Records where we really just wasted time, or rather I did. We had to listen to a lot of crap on the radio in Wade's car....if there was any reason to get a I have one....grin,,,,,just kidding!

Anyway then everyone went their separate ways.

I had to open this morning. I woke up a bit late and had to rush to work. I looked like crap, yes believe it or not, there are days I look okay, but today was not one of them. Ms Baker called in sick so I had to work more or less by myself until Slothman showed up at 1:00 and then I went and got my hair cut instead of eating cuz I wasn't really hungry and my hair like the rest of me today looked like crap. Derek showed up at 3:00 informing me right away that he had already blown out his $500 speakers in his car. So he's taking them back. That's what happens when you play N*SYNC. Its bad. Grin.

Work finally ended and I moseyed back here, cooked me up some more noodles and fried some bologna and had another lackluster lunch/dinner

Watched the 6:00 episode of Friends, the one where Ross is going to take Rachel to her prom but then Chip shows up at the last minute and then Ross and Rachel get together in the present. One of my favorite episodes.

Now I'm waiting on Wade and jenni we're going out to Borders to look around. We get a discount there since we were at Waldenbooks.

Other than that, ain't really doing much of anything.

but I'll get back to you on that.

neurosis ~ catharsis