my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression





Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2001 - 2:51 A.M.
I hate it when the preview of a movie is better than the movie itself. I mean I really do. And that is the case for The Musketeer. I had heard that it had gotten some pretty bad reviews by the critics, but hey they're just critics right, putting their pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us, so what do they know. But this time, unfortunately they were right. I was sorely disappointed with the whole thing. Very hoaky if you ask me, and while I realize you didn't I felt the need to say so any ways. You're welcome by the way. I mean I was at least hoping to see some really cool fight scenes but even they were a bit lacking. That ladder scene in the preview looked so much cooler. The effects were a bit lacking, the love interest, was a bit humdrum, the acting begged for more coaching and well I'll just leave it at that. The only good thing about it was Catherine Deneuve or however you spell her name and the only reason I liked her in this was because she was in Dancer in the Dark, a really good movie, albeit depressing as hell at the end. I got all teary eyed and everything. Watched another good movie the other day too, Run Lola Run and it was pretty cool too. Michael said it was a good movie, and so far he's two for two.... BOth of them are independent foreign films, films I wouldn't have seen had it not been for his suggestion so he deserves a kudo or two don't you think. I'm broadening my horizons.

All in all this has been a pretty good day. Creative writing was pretty fun although we had to do an in class group project and I don't like group projects and the reason for that is no matter what you end up with some sort of freak in the group and that just happened to turn out to be that Amanda girl who as we learned today can't even spell right. I mean word after word she spelled wrong. Everything had too many double "s" in it instead of one "s". And I will be the first to say my writing needs a little polishing,but oh my god is her writing rough around the edges. Its horrendous. She through in adjectives that are unnecessary and down right agitating. Needless to say, I'm gonna be a big fan of her work, I can tell already. We have an assignment due Wednesday that is a "the first time I heard [insert song title here] I was [insert rest of story here] scenario. Its pretty cool. I've already come up with three different scenarios. THe first time I did this story it got put in Under the Clock Tower the college literary book. It was cool. I thought so at least. I really liked it. One of the scenes is about the chocolate war we had the other day only the scene is a bit different for creative license purposes.

Had a nice workout at 24 hour fitness. We didn't get to go all last week. They closed early all week in observance of the tragedy in New York and Washington and Pennsylvania. I picked up a copy of the special People Magazine today. It looks like it is going to be a very sad read. I am going to just keep it. I don't think it would be good for me to pick it up and read it right now. I feel things too much concerning it. I want a really big flag, I'm talking a huge flag.

We went to Garden Ridge today too. Apparently my apartment will be ground zero for the Halloween gathering this year. I'm a bit leery concerning the Halloween gathering as they tend to be disastrous for all involved. I missed out on last years which is probably a good thing,because nothing good came of it that I am aware of. But Paige and Wade have big decorating plans which should be very interesting. Before the movie, I hesitate to even call it that, they showed me al late decoration that they want to use. it'll be cool.Anyway, don't really have much else to say.

Except that somebody blew us off to hang out with some other people. Not that I blame them, I mean if I had known the movie was going to stink to high heaven, I wouldn't have given me the time of day either.

I think am getting sick so I gave it a one two punch of Centrum vitamin and a mouthful of Nyquil, the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching stuffy head fever so you can rest medicine. I only had one of those symptoms, but to me, Nyquil, is the cure all. And man did I have an really good nap!

Anyway, I guess I should go for now. Unless I am inspired by something new and improved. I am going to make a cast page for you to meet all those mentioned in the diary. So stay tuned and you know you could sign my guest book if you wanted to. Except for you, I realize you're on strike since I haven't signed yours, but every one else may sign it. Its very lonely.

okay, I'm outta here

neurosis ~ catharsis